Veri had no idea what to expect when they met again in person.
They reached the hangar floor and stepped out of the lift together. More of their crew was out and about than was normal, no doubt to try and get a glimpse of their new queen. But they didn’t have time for Adelina to greet everyone personally.
If the intel about the approaching horde was correct, they had to take Khara – and fast. They couldn’t allow the horde and the Neprijat king’s armies occupying the Khara System to join.
Even separated, Veri wasn’t sure how they’d be able to win against them. They were at such a disadvantage. The results of the last battle had made thatextremelyclear.
The airlock that was sealed to theJasmineseemed to loom before them. One of the crew members opened the door to the hall. At the other end was another door. Asher stepped over the raised portion and held out his hand to assist Veri over it. Somehow he made her feel gorgeous even in her armor.
Then they were walking down the narrow hall and theJasmine’sairlock door swung inward.
Adelina was on the other side, peering down the hall – less regal now that she wasn’t on a transmission where everyone could see and hear her. And then those light amethyst eyes met her brother’s. “Asher?”
“Lina,” Asher breathed.
And for the first time Veri wondered if her fiancé had doubted if they’d ever see each other again. Not simply because of the dangertheyhad been in, but the battles Adelina herself had been a part of.
Asher strode through the rest of the hall and the moment he was on the other side of that door he grabbed his sister and wrapped her in a bear hug. Veri’s throat closed with emotion at the sight.
“I’m so happy to see you,” Adelina said, her words muffled against Asher’s nicest blazer. “I’m also relieved you managed to arrive without further incident.” Then she took a step back to inspect Asher from head to toe. “William?”
“Already on his way,” Asher told her, inspecting his sister with the same level of intense scrutiny as she. “I didn’t call for Giselle. I wanted you to make that decision.”
Adelina grinned at that. Then she turned to Veri while Asher greeted the king consort. Veri couldn’t help but look for the other consorts that were suspiciously missing.
“Lady Veri, you are a sight for sore eyes.”
The queen was speaking to her, but Veri wasn’t having it. “We can deal with protocol and rank later. I want to greet my friend.” And without waiting for approval Veri hugged Adelina hard, relief washing through her. Adelina really was all right despite everything that had happened since they’d seen each other last.
They’d never been as close as Adelina and Nadyah, but Veri still felt that pull towards the female – her soul recognized Adelina’s. It was like looking in a mirror. Perhaps she might have ended up much like her had she been sheltered her entire life.
So it had been easy for her to see the yearning in Adelina’s eyes. And now…the female was comfortable in her skin. She’d flowered into who she was always meant to be.
And Veri hoped that they would win, because since that first real talk in the forest she’d wanted to become closer with Adelina.
When she pulled back, Veri noticed the sheen of tears in Adelina’s eyes before she blinked them away. “I’ve missed you as well,” Adelina admitted. “I need more females in my life. The males can be so…difficult.”
Varan rolled his eyes.
Veri snorted and linked her arm through Adelina’s. “There is much to discuss, but I wanted to say congratulations before everything else was dumped on us. You proved everyone wrong and that’s something to be proud of. I knew you could do it.”
The blush on the young queen’s face was adorable. Veri looked up to see Asher watching them with a level of tenderness he rarely showed.
Yes, there would always be the difference in their rank. Veri would always be one of Adelina’s subjects. But there was so much more. They were friends and someday Adelina would be her sister as well. She couldn’t wait to tell her.
“Where are your other males?” Veri asked, barely able to hide her curiosity.
Adelina smirked. “I assumed that would be one of your first questions.” The queen then turned to a servant Veri hadn’t even noticed until that moment. “Please direct William to the solar when he arrives.”
“What plans do you have for us, Lina?” Asher asked, falling into step behind them, Varan at his side.
The thief gave Veri a lopsided grin, hands clasped behind his back as he walked with that insufferable swagger that somehow made him all the more attractive. Veri gave him a wink – after all the thief was soon to be her brother by marriage.
“First I want to catch up with my brothers and my friend,” Adelina said. “Then I have a meeting with my Hand and my…advisor? Everything will be revealed then. There are delicate matters I need to discuss with you both.”
Adelina led them through the ship with effortless grace and Veri smiled to herself. There was a lot she was giving up for Asher, but the life and family she would gain would be rich and fulfilling.
Alock would always be her baby brother. And she would always love him more than life itself. But he was an adult now. He needed to live his life without her shadow hanging over him.