Page 45 of Fate of Draga

Her brother, always the pragmatist.

Soon Adelina would have William and Asher back…and she supposed Giselle.

She stopped before the vast window and studied Vudu Shaa – the last planet in the Hai System. It was so large that it was easy to see even from the Khara border. The Outpost Base was currently invisible as they orbited around the massive structure anchored in space.

Thus far they’d managed to avoid detection and now Adelina wondered if that was due to the Neprijat who had secretly been working for her.

Adelina wasn’t sure how she felt about that yet, but knowing they wanted her as queen felt different than having to convince her own people she could rule. She’d done nothing but prove herself since the very beginning.

It had done some good at least. The Goddess had rewarded her hard work through the Neprijat…testing her one last time to make sure she deserved this.

Now Adelina had to convince the rest of the galaxy.

How was she going to convince Asher this was a good idea? Perhaps if she could convince Veri first, Adelina could then use her to help bring Asher around to the idea. If Nash could have his opinion changed…then so could her brother.

At least she had Ian on her side.

“It’s still extremely dangerous,” Nadyah said softly. “Why didn’t you tell anyone of your plans?”

Adelina inspected her nails, but didn’t turn around. This was one of those moments she wished she could lie, but she’d promised herself that’s not how she would rule. “I did not wish to bring it up until it was clear we would win this war, or had the chance to. Our energy had to be focused—united. We cannot afford dissent and distraction over something that perhaps would never happen.”

If they lost…her decision wouldn’t matter then.

“And what if the information is correct?” Nadyah asked, standing from the couch, Adelina could tell by the way her skirts rustled. Those silent footsteps were like imprints on her soul until the courtesan stood shoulder to shoulder with her and looked out at the planet as well.

Was she trying to guess what Adelina was thinking, or did she already know?

“Then we will make the alliance.”

“And I will support your decision,” Nadyah stated.

Adelina turned and looked up at her ex-courtesan, but friend forever. “You would do that? Why?”

Nadyah gave her a smile. It was genuine but there was still fear there under the surface. “I trust you. And you will need all the support you can get when it comes time to tell the people. This will be a difficult alliance to sell.”

“I’m not asking them to forgive the Neprijat.” Adelina sighed and removed the crown pressing into her skull. “But I will be asking them to treat them with common sense. Not every one of those people is like the king.”

“Time will be needed,” Ian said from the couch, eyeing Vitto as the servant started clearing the tea service. “But I still think it’s the smartest choice. You have my support as well sister.”

Adelina gave both of them grateful smiles. “I suppose we will see how Asher takes the news.”

Ian flicked her a look. “As well as he takes anything I suppose.”

The dark prince would not be pleased, but Adelina knew he had the best military mind of all of them. Even if she couldn’t appeal to his mercy, she could push the advantage it would give them in the war.

A few more hours and she would see her younger brothers again. Adelina closed her eyes and held the relief she felt close to her chest. They’d made it this far. She’d ensure they made it through the next phase as well.

* * *

It was dark in her room, but still she couldn’t sleep. A nap seemed like a fruitless endeavor now that she laid there in the vast bed, alone. Varan’s warmth was missing and it left her cold even under the heavy blankets.

She’d already sent scouts to scope out the coordinates Varan had sent her over an encrypted cast – he’d used one of his favorite codes. Adelina suspected only a handful of people in the entire galaxy could crack it.

Rolling over she sighed, reaching out for the empty space beside her. The silk was cool under her hand and Adelina tried to shove down the worry that kept rising up to choke her. It pushed at that old anxiety she’d always had, teasing it.

But Adelina refused to give in. She assumed if Varan, Kaiden, or Nash had died she would know through the mate bond. But Adelina worried about everything that could occur before then. What if something happened to them on the way back to theJasmine? What if they weren’t killed, but captured?

Would she know if it was only one of her mates who perished – and who?