Nash chuckled and gripped her hips hard. “Are you saying I’m a difficult male?”
She tilted her head and considered him. “I would have used the word hardheaded…problematic…perhaps even impossible.”
He growled and lifted Adelina up to settle her back down against that long hard length of him. She gasped and Nash took advantage, taking her mouth with his. Then he slid his tongue against hers.
The groan that escaped her might have been embarrassing if Nash hadn’t eaten it up with relish, grinding her against him – the thin training pants she wore making the sensation all the more delectable.
“Looks like I’m late to the party,” Varan purred from the doorway.
Nash cursed and broke the kiss. Adelina just laughed as color flushed the great warrior’s cheeks. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that,” Nash muttered, eyeing Varan like he worried her husband might attack him at any moment.
Varan simply grinned and plopped onto the couch next to them, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. “It’s been a long day, mate. I’m not sure I could satisfy our wife in my usual way. If you wish to try your hand at it go right ahead.”
Adelina hid her smile by pressing her face to Nash’s shoulder, waiting to see what he would decide to do. She rocked against him in suggestion, letting him know whatshewould like.
Nash’s grip tightened on her hips and Adelina peered over her shoulder at Varan. “Is there anything I can do for you, husband?”
“Go have fun and then cuddle with me after. I’m too tired to do anything other than let you ride me.” Varan’s lips twitched, but he kept his eyes closed.
Adelina leaned over to whisper in his ear, making sure it was loud enough for Nash to hear. “I can always ride you after as well.”
Varan grinned at that and cracked one eye open. “You’re insatiable, my love. I adore it.”
She felt Nash relax ever so slightly, but his cock was still as hard as a rock.
This was what would be the most work, getting all three of her males to become comfortable with each other. Adelina had no plans to make any of them do anything they did not wish to.
Based on previous experiences the one she was most worried about was Nash.
Kaiden and Varan got along well. Very well. Adelina flushed as she remembered how they’d made love to her together. She couldn’t help the way she moved against Nash’s hard length.
He groaned and it almost sounded painful. “You’re torturing me,” he murmured in her ear, glancing only once at Varan whose eyes were closed once more.
“Then do something about it,” she said softly, her lips brushing against his ear.
Adelina wondered if he could even manage it with Varan in the other room, but she hoped one day they wouldn’t have to leave the room. Perhaps one day…they would all be comfortable with each other.
Nadyah might complicate things, but Adelina knew it would work out. The road they’d traveled had prepared them and she knew that after a bit of adjustment everything would be fine.
Nash still didn’t move so Adelina peeled off her top, still damp with her sweat. There was nothing underneath and Nash hissed in a breath at the sight of her tight nipples and heavy breasts.
Varan ran one hand down her spine, but otherwise kept to himself.
“Would you like to carry me into my bedroom?” Adelina asked, holding Nash’s face as she studied it, every line and curve. She memorized the way his eyes looked when he wanted her so badly he clenched his jaw – the way that muscle in his cheek flickered as he considered, and how his long hair curled making him look like a wild man.
He was utterly delicious and she wanted him to be a brute – to take her like she knew he wanted to.
Without another word he lifted her up and Adelina wrapped her legs around his waist. She blew Varan a kiss and he caught it in his hand without opening his eyes. He held it to his heart and Adelina knew deep in her bones Varan was exactly who she needed him to be.
He was the perfect first husband, the perfect king consort. And she would make sure to reward him handsomely.
“I don’t want you to be gentle with me,” Adelina murmured as they crossed the threshold into her bedroom. “I don’t want you to take your time. I want you to dominate me.”
Nash threw her on the bed with a growl, losing all control at her words. It was an unleashing – an unmasking as she dared him to expose what he was under that barely polite façade he always kept up for her.
He was a Corinthian prince, born and bred for battle. Each of his muscles were a testament to the cycles he’d spent honing his body into a weapon – a beautiful weapon.
Her pants came off a moment later and then Nash unbuckled his, freeing that raging erection. Adelina sat up and grabbed him, gently pulling him towards her so she could wrap her lips around his massive girth.