“Rise, my queen.”
Adelina rose and turned to face the people. The drums beat only once when they all knelt before her. All of them including her brothers and mates kneeled and every citizen followed their lead. They all knelt and placed a fist over their heart. “Long live the queen.”
Adelina took them all in. Her people, and those who were not. To them it didn’t seem to matter. They all knelt before her. Her heart swelled and Adelina felt something in that moment – she wasn’t sure what it was, but it was a whisper of change.
But rather than fill her with dread as the last two had – this one filled her with hope.
“You may rise,” Adelina said. Her voice was strong and clear.
She smiled at them as they stood and before she could say anything someone stepped forward. “Chancellor of Brogna,” she said.
“My queen, may I?” the male asked, taking another step forward.
He stopped at the bottom of the dais and she smiled down at him. “I recognize the Chancellor of Brogna. Speak.”
But he didn’t speak. He went down to one knee and placed his hand over his heart. “Brogna has made mistakes in the past. We were angry and thought we had been forgotten until we received your letter begging for our assistance. It was my greatest honor to answer your call. And I am here to swear our allegiance to you once more. Brogna bows before Draga.”
Adelina’s heart pounded as she realized what he meant. “I accept the responsibility of Brogna,” she said softly, but the recorders amplified her words for all to hear. “And I promise to do better than my forefathers.”
The chancellor stood with a nod and went back to his seat, but then another took his place.
Princess Dejah.
The sight of the Neprijat princess silenced everyone. One could hear the owls singing their night song in that absolute silence as they all stared at her and wondered – wondered as did Adelina what she wanted, what she might say.
Adelina couldn’t help but admire the female. She was truly fearless and despite the fear at the sight of that grey skin, Adelina had to admit she was gorgeous. Tall, strong—a warrior. And her jet-black dress glittered. There were bits of it cut out, displaying the curves yet still hiding so much.
The pure white hair and full lips…Dejah was a beauty – terrifying but mesmerizing.
“I am Princess Dejah of the Neprijat,” she declared. “You allowed me to keep my title. You allowed those who would surrender to bow before you and swear a blood oath. You showed mercy to my people. I will never forget the risk you took believing there was good in us – that not all of us are monsters.”
The words were ones she hadn’t been prepared to hear. Adelina had thought it would be a simple coronation and then a ball where everyone would hopefully drink too much to get into any fights as mixed as the company was.
But this…Adelina blinked, her eyes burning.
Then Dejah got to her knees as the chancellor had. “It was my honor to fight with you, my queen. I swear my loyalty and allegiance to you, Queen Adelina of Draga.” Dejah ripped open her hand with her teeth and let that black blood spill. “The Neprijat of Jatan bows before Draga.”
The princess stayed on her knees, eyes to the floor as her hand bled and Adelina had to take a moment to breathe.
“I accept the responsibility of the Neprijat of Jatan. Thank you for fighting with us,” she finally said. “Without you and your people we surely would have perished.”
Murmurs as the princess stood and then bowed with her hand fisted over her heart. She returned to her seat and Adelina looked to her mates. All three of them were grinning and she wanted to wring their necks.
The drums started beating and Adelina stepped down, but then two Drakesthai females and three males came forward. Adelina froze as she recognized most of the council, but the drums kept beating. What was happening?
“I am Princess Serilda of the Drakesthai – the unofficial ruler of Hai. This is Princess Kalene, my unofficial heir,” Serilda stated for those who didn’t know. Both females bowed before Adelina and then straightened. “The three princes behind me are a part of our council. Without this stubborn female before us – my people would be extinct in a hundred cycles.”
The old dragon grinned up at Adelina and her heart fluttered – wondering what the crafty crone was up to.
Serilda flapped her hand and the Master Sealer—her mate stepped forward, giving her his hand. Then together, all five of the Drakesthai got to their knees. “Hai bows before Draga.”
The Unchanged came forward before she could say a word and got to their knees before her as well. “Kuan-Yin and Imaldi bow before Draga.”
Adelina could no longer hold her composure. Tears spilled down her cheeks and she looked to Varan. His eyes were full of tears as well and she could see the pride in them. He nodded once.
“I accept the responsibility of Hai and the Unchanged,” Adelina stated, her voice wavering only slightly. “You honor me.”
Then Kaita swept before them all until she was only one step below Adelina. They stared into each other’s eyes. Two queens. The female even wore the crown Adelina had gifted her with.