“Yes, my queen.”
Every piece was meant to be a reminder. The gold on her shoulders was delicate and gorgeous but also looked like armor – despite the gold chains that wrapped around her throat and would drape across her chest, set with diamonds and black opals.
The gold on her right hand was delicate filigree that wrapped around her fingers and nails and went up her arm like an armored glove, ending just before her marriage tattoos began.
Long gold filigree earrings nearly brushed the top of her shoulders. Her hair was set in a half updo with golden chains around the bun. The rest of her hair fell down her back in dark, shimmering waves.
Black kohl rimmed her eyes and blood-red paint colored her lips.
Adelina looked every inch the warrior queen. And she planned to lead her people with that same steel she’d used to free them from the Neprijat threat. That steel wouldn’t melt in peacetime. Not when she had to fight for the rights of those of the Neprijat who had never wanted to attack them.
Not when she had to integrate the Drakesthai into her kingdom – make sure the Draga people accepted Kaiden and any Drakesthai who wished to live within her borders. She still had to make sure the progress with their infertility continued until the poison was completely reversed.
It would be easy enough since she had a wedding to throw there in a few months.
Adelina smiled at her reflection despite the severity of the event.
They’d made it through the war and onto the other side. All three of her mates were alive and well and waiting for her in the other room. She couldn’t wait for them to see her. And she couldn’t wait until after the festivities when they would take every bit of this glory and splendor off.
Everything but the crown of the warrior queen.
“Is everyone here?” Adelina asked.
Nadyah smiled. “Yes. Your mother and father-in-law were the first to arrive this morning with Roman and his new mate. The rest of their sons had to stay in Hai. But the entire Drakesthai council is here. As are the Unchanged. Queen Kaita arrived a few hours ago and she’s been making Nash give her the official tour. She brought the other royals, and the Chancellor of Brogna is here with his retinue.”
“Princess Dejah?” Adelina asked.
The smile turned into a frown. “Sozav and Princess Dejah brought five other Neprijat. It has been…uneasy since they arrived about an hour ago, but Veri was handling it last I checked. Your brothers are dressed and ready as are your mothers.”
Adelina nodded and adjusted the gold on her shoulders. It was a similar design to the necklace she’d created for Raena and despite everything that had happened, Adelina wore it to remind herself of everything her eldest sister had ever taught her – even if Drozer had turned her into a monster…Raena had loved her.
The red lipstick she wore for Giselle. A token reminder of the blood debt that had been paid – the blood that she’d sacrificed for this victory. The earrings her father had given her for her coming-of-age day. Adelina wished for the thousandth time that he could be here to see her.
But she knew that wherever he was – he was proud of her and of what she had accomplished.
Adelina breathed deep and nodded. She was ready.
For the first time since the war she didn’t feel nervous before a public event. This official coronation would mark the beginning of her peaceful reign. And Adelina no longer felt the nerves plague her.
She’d accomplished everything she’d set out to do and more. She had saved her people, the Drakesthai, and the Corinthians.
Yes, there had been casualties. But there were so many more left alive because of what she’d done.
“Thank you, Nadyah,” she murmured, turning to the female that had been with her from the very beginning. “I will be sad to find your replacement as my lady-in-waiting, but I’m happy to be gaining an advisor.”
Adelina took Nadyah’s hands and smiled down at the ring she’d made for her. She had so much to be thankful for.
Nadyah released her and cradled Adelina’s face with a gentle touch. “There is much to do and figure out, but don’t forget that conversation you owe me.”
“Hm, which one?” Adelina asked, her smile turning into a grin as she teased.
“This one,” Nadyah whispered, leaning down to kiss her softly.
The feel of her lips reminded Adelina of their first kiss – when she’d been nothing more than a shy, nervous mess who blushed at every opportunity. The attentions of a female with so much sexual energy and experience had intimidated her – even with such a gentle kiss, barely more than a traditional kiss of greeting.
And now Adelina relished the feel of Nadyah’s love in that gentle pressure. No more than a greeting warranted, but it was a reminder—a promise.
“I love you Adelina,” Nadyah whispered. “And I’m so very proud of how far you’ve come – the queen you’ve become. I will spend the rest of my life serving you with pride. I will serve in any way you ask of me.”