“If anyone sees hounds, come back to my team immediately,” Adelina said. “They will overwhelm us if we are in smaller groups.”
Nash nodded his agreement.
“Let’s go already,” Varan said with a playful grin. “I want that palace.”
Nash snorted, but gave the signal to pick up the pace.
They jogged down the street, keeping their eyes out for any enemy Neprijat, but Kaita had done her job well. If there was anyone in the buildings they kept to themselves. Varan knew they didn’t have the time to sweep each building.
It would have to go on the list of things to do after they won…
Because they would win. He’d make sure of it.
“Enemy!” Varan shouted. He fired as an entire legion of Neprijat came around the corner. Nadyah stepped forward to fire with him, as did Adelina.
The warriors fell in droves, but they fired back, testing the limits of the armor’s shields. Varan gritted his teeth. This was always the worst part. The distance didn’t allow him to take them down and gave the enemy far too much opportunity to wear down his shields and kill him.
Then the Drakesthai arrowed towards them and Kaiden ordered them to brace themselves.
Explosions rocked the city streets. A few of their warriors stumbled and fell from the blast, but Nash roared for them to advance.
Then they were running, Adelina fastest of them all, somehow speeding past even Nash. Only Ian could keep up with her. That damn royal blood. Varan cursed and fired on what he could see despite the smoke covering everything.
Smoke and debris made their path dangerous but he leapt over the fallen walls and cracks in the pavement, dropping his rifle in favor of his double plasma blades. The edges crackled with that force that could cut through anything and everything. It sliced through armor like butter.
Black blood sprayed everywhere.
Varan attacked, taking down warrior after warrior, falling into a rhythm as he moved in tandem with Nash, whirling as they searched for Adelina. Every once in a while he caught a glimpse of her, but she was so bloody fast.
Adelina used the smoke to her advantage, disappearing only to appear before a Neprijat like a ghost. Her blade sliced across throats, stomachs, inner thighs. Anything to take them down without slowing her.
He admired her form.
The movements weren’t as beautiful as he knew she could be.
It was efficient.
She was the wolf bringing death to its enemies. Nash noticed as well and they shared a look. How many had she taken down, imagining they were the king?
Giselle’s death had hit her hard and they all knew she hadn’t recovered from it. There hadn’t been time. But there was never time in battle to grieve for those who had fallen.
But Adelina no doubt planned to exact her revenge here on this battlefield.
Varan paused when he caught the howl of a hound and the hair on the back of his neck raised at that horrific sound. It would haunt his nightmares for cycles. If he lived that long.
Nash ordered Adelina back into formation and she didn’t hesitate. The legion tightened around her and Varan could feel her irritation at the leash, but she didn’t go against Nash. The brute led them forward, jogging once more.
Another howl. They needed to get to the palace as quickly as possible.
“Hounds are coming from every direction,” one of the teams reported in. “We’re on our way to you now.”
The other two checked in and Varan felt his heart pound as they burst through the smoke and dust to see nothing before them. Where were the hounds?
Nash slowed, checking his gauntlet. “They’re everywhere,” he muttered. “So why can’t we see them?”
“The sewers,” Varan spat a split second before they burst from the ground like an infection. They crawled all over everything, scurrying straight for them.