“It’s nothing serious is it?”
“No! Nothing dire, I promise. It has been difficult to process…and I wasn’t sure if I should tell you. But after revealing one secret I thought I should reveal one more to those closest to me.”
“Out with it, Lina,” Asher growled.
She gave him that patient smile she always did when he was being ‘the dark prince.’ It was a nickname he wasn’t overly fond of, but the reputation did him more good than bad so he’d embraced it.
“Ian ran a few tests and we discovered I have abnormal DNA.” Adelina clasped her hands together, wringing them slightly.
If Asher didn’t know her slight tells he would never know how nervous she actually was. Her face was perfect calm.
“As father and mother’s child I have the Draga genes, but I also possess courtesan genes. It seems Elara’s DNA was mixed with mine and that is why I am this way.” She glanced between William and Asher, smiling nervously. “Giselle already knows as she snooped it out, and she reacted badly. I only hope this doesn’t change our relationships.”
Ah, that explained so much. Asher eased the frown from his face as he contemplated his sister. They’d always been close as they were barely a cycle apart in age, but their relationship was built on quiet strength and support and not the friendship she’d had with Giselle and Raena.
Asher’s instincts had always raged at him to protect her, but if she was a courtesan as well as a royal…he looked to Ian. The male did a fabulous job of irking him on occasion, but their studious brother never would have outed Adelina. He was loyal that way and Asher respected that more than anything.
“What exactly does that mean?” William asked. His face was fearful, but not disgusted.
Adelina seemed relieved to see it as well and Ian was no doubt pleased to have a sibling that was more than half related to him.
“It means that I am still a true royal, but there are a few oddities. I can move my dominance up and down the spectrum. The rest is negligible.”
Asher’s eyes widened in shock. “Yet your scent is the jasmine?”
“Yes, though I don’t know why.”
His mind raced as he started to put together every little thing that had never made sense, every bit of Adelina that had seemed like she’d had some sort of split personality, but she’d hid it so well. Though if he thought about it there were those that seemed to gravitate to her, to notice that she was different; special. Like the thief.
“And do you plan on telling anyone else?” Asher asked. If the people found out...
“No, only family. After what happened with Giselle I thought I should find out if I disgust anyone else.” Her tone and smile made it sound as though she were joking, laughing off the insult, but the white of her knuckles said otherwise.
“Dear sister, you are not disgusting and never have been,” Asher told her. “Giselle hasn’t been right since she came back from the border. If anything this is an asset. You are the hidden gem among the royals. None will expect you to have strength. I’m sure you already know that and have used it to your advantage.”
Adelina blushed and Asher was glad he could reassure his sister, but inside he was frightened. There was so much negativity towards ‘tube babies’ and he wasn’t sure if she was one or not. If the people found out they could make her life miserable with their hate and discrimination.
But…perhaps they wouldn’t. The vid of her revealing her life among the thieves had been surprisingly well received despite the panic it had caused Asher that morning.
“So, Elara is also your mother?” William asked.
She smiled at him and nodded. “She gave me her DNA, so yes, though mother carried and birthed me.”
William was the first to cross the room and hug Lina. She was so small in his large arms. He may be the youngest but he’d been training to be a soldier his entire life. Asher let them have their words.
He glanced at Ian and his half-brother gave him a little smirk. “Glad you have some sense in you.”
Asher rolled his eyes. “I may not wear my heart on my sleeve brother, but I would die for our sister. A little extra DNA doesn’t change that.”
Small arms wrapped around his neck and the familiar scent of jasmine filled his nose. Now that he knew what to look for he could scent the difference. It wasn’t quite the same as a true submissive…it was deeper somehow, more layered and complicated than the simple flower suggested.
“You don’t need to die for me, Asher. You could simply say you love me.” Her teasing grin made him lift the corner of his mouth up, his version of a smile.
“I love you Adelina, even if you are a strange little thing.”
She laughed and poked him in the ribs. “Call me strange again and I’ll make you regret it.”
Asher grinned at that. “Yes, you may very well be able to do that.” The thought pleased him.