Varan squeezed her hand and Adelina gave him a weak smile. He must have seen what she’d been staring at.
“Scientists have been working on it, but there doesn’t appear to be a solution. The tech is too different.”
Adelina gave Varan a look. The subject had given her an idea. Discreetly she took out her simulcast and sent a silent, private message to her fiancé. ‘Can you get your hands on the Neprijat cloaking tech?’
‘Don’t insult me, love.’
It was difficult not to grin when Adelina could hear the cocky words even through the typed cast.
‘Send it to my main ship and label it something no one would think twice to inspect. Tell no one but Roxy and Nadyah. There is someone who I think might be able to help us.’
‘Your mind is so cunning. It makes you incredibly irresistible. One more night before I can show you what it does to me.’
Adelina blushed and selected P’draic’s name and tapped out a quick message. After the news of his split with Ian she hoped he would take her up on her offer. It would be the trip of a lifetime after all. And if they weren’t very, very careful it would be the last.