Page 75 of Crown of Draga

Nash pulled back and studied her face. He didn’t say a word, but she knew his thoughts and his regrets. There was nothing they could do about the situation. Nash was a warrior, he had his people to protect, and he planned to protect her own.

That look in his eyes—Adelina kissed him hard and desperate. She would most likely never see him again, even if he survived the border, he might not survive the dragons. Then there would be war.

Every feeling she had for Nash went into that kiss. The way he made her feel like she could do anything, how he fought for her freedom and protected her. Nash was a warrior with honor and she was lucky to have known him so intimately. Because inside that warrior was a heart that had more love and affection than she’d ever known.

“Don’t forget that you were the reason for my happiness when you are thousands of light-cycles away from here,” Adelina said. Those tears she’d held back for so long finally spilled over and ran down her cheeks.

Nash rubbed them away with a thumb. “I could never forget you, Adelina. You will always be a part of me. Even if I never earn the right for your hand I will always remember the way you smell, the way you taste,” He kissed one tear-stained cheek and then the other. “And how I’ve been drawn to you since the moment I laid eyes on you weeks ago.” Then Nash held her like he’d never let her go.

“We took this too far,” Adelina said against the skin of his shoulder, resting her head on his chest one last time. “I never meant to…” She nearly said she never meant to fall in love with him, but Adelina couldn’t bring herself to say it aloud. It already hurt too much. “Was it worth the pain of knowing it’s likely we’ll never make it back to each other?”

“It’s worth every bit of pain and more,” Nash said.

Adelina laughed through her tears. “We could have run away together.”

“We both know you would never do something so selfish.”

He was right, but it didn’t make her feel better. “Promise me something?”

Nash took her hand and pressed his lips to her gold palm. “Anything.”

“Do what you need to, to save your people. Forget about me. I won’t have you getting yourself killed for my sake.” The words were like knives in her heart, but they were necessary.

Eventually the mark on his neck would disappear.

War was brutal and vicious. He would face horrors she couldn’t even contemplate and she refused to be the reason he wasn’t focused.

Nash had to have options.

He rumbled his disagreement but she pressed a finger to his lips and pleaded with her eyes for him to wait and listen. “I need you to promise me that you will stay alive. That’s all I want.”

In one smooth motion he lifted her up and pressed her against the wall. Adelina gasped in surprise and desire. She wanted him enough to take him right there, but there wasn’t time. Already they’d been hiding for too long. Nash kissed her fiercely and Adelina felt her lips bruise under his aggressive possession.

“I regret nothing,” he growled. “Remember that for me, and when Raena trots out some pretty-boy lords for your pleasure, don’t forget how I made you scream for me.” His warm breath against her neck and the delicious words made Adelina shiver.

If only they had more time, one last proper goodbye, but Nash had only a few hours to pack and ready his entire contingent of warriors before he left Draga Terra.

“Here,” he said, pressing a piece of tech into her hands. “These are the schematics for a ship fast enough to reach the outer rim in three days. That’s how long it will take me to reach Kaita. Find someone you trust and modify a starship. If things go bad I want you to get out of here before it’s too late. I’ll find you anywhere in the universe Adelina, just stay alive and safe.”

Before she could say anything more he activated his stealth shield and then she felt him leave. The space was empty and cold without him. Adelina hugged her chest and shivered. The tech in her hand left an imprint on her skin, she held it so tightly. She would do as he said, but hoped she wouldn’t need to use the starship to flee.

If they couldn’t have each other, at least knowing the other was still alive would be enough. It was all Adelina could hope for when things seemed so dark and dire.

When her courtesan murmured the all clear Adelina let her feet lead her. They walked the halls and when she stopped she found herself outside the private temple in the royal garden. The gods and goddesses were scattered throughout the beautiful garden for private prayers. Adelina wasn’t sure who to ask for help. She looked up at the three-faced goddess. Her birth goddess Mala was at the center and Adelina fell to her knees before the statue. The tears streamed once more and she bowed until her forehead touched the floor.

There was so much to ask for, so much to say. Adelina closed her eyes and stayed in that position, whispering her fears and hopes to Mala in the language of the Ancients. She had no idea how much time passed, but if she were to stay on Draga Terra and wait for everything to happen, the least she could do was ask the Mother – her favored – to have mercy on them all.

The Neprijat were far closer than anyone had anticipated and the monsters’ violent retaliation to their support of Nash was the beginning of a true war.

Nash might not survive.

Draga might not survive.

“Please Mala, I beg you to consider a male who is not your own and remember his promise to me. He’s one I consider dear.”

As usual there was no reply, but Adelina felt a small knot in her chest loosen.

Alpha’s rough voice washed over her. “Princess, you’re needed at the docks.” He was to escort her of course.