Page 55 of Crown of Draga

“Is she attracted to you?” Nash asked. He wondered how one could tell if it was real attraction, or just a part of a courtesan’s job and genetic makeup.

The thief downed his alcohol and set the glass on the floor. He linked his hands behind his head and leaned back. “I wasn’t sure until she accused me of not being good enough for Adelina. I’m not always the smartest male when it comes to females, but I do recognize jealousy when I see it. It will be extremely difficult to come back from her rejection, if she’d ever give up her contract with the House.”

“Sounds like you two have a lot to work out,” Nash said. “Glad I don’t have to.”

Varan laughed. “Like your situation is any better. It’s simply different my friend.”

It surprised him, but Nash found himself grinning. Who would have guessed Varan would have been the companion he needed?

Nash had to remind himself he’d come for a reason. “I need your help retrieving Kaita, and then as much info as you can get me about the Drakesthai.”

Varan’s eyes widened and he leaned forward. “Are you going to cross into the Hai galaxy?”

He nodded. Varan had a keen mind. “I’m going to try, even if I have to fight my way past their defense lines. If we could ally with them we may have a fighting chance of winning this war. And believe me, there will be a war.”

There was silence for a few moments as they both considered the ramifications of exactly how bloody it could be. Once the Neprijat got through the shield – and eventually they would – they would rip through the rest of the Draga galaxy like fine paper. Many of the citizens on the planets wouldn’t be able to fight back, with the Draga forces spread out as they were it would most likely come down to a battle right on the capitol planet for the royal palace and each of the heirs, including Adelina.

Nash refused to let the Neprijat get that far. He was still angry with Adelina for pulling back without explanation, but that didn’t mean he would let anything happen to her. He still felt that pull, like a strong undertow threatening to drown him if he wasn’t careful.

“It seems as though we truly are on the same side,” Varan said. “I do have people in Hai right at this moment, but the lag between updates is outrageous. My long distance, secured casts are getting caught up at the borders. The shield is starting to create a lot of interference and as soon as it’s fully closed my intel will be next to nothing, but I can give you everything I have hoarded on them.”

It surprised Nash the thief would simply give it all up, just like that. “Why are you being so helpful?” he asked in suspicion.

Varan stood and crossed to one of his bookshelves. The Kalans had books everywhere, actual paper copies of anything one could possibly imagine and Nash would never get used to the luxury and waste of it. The thief took out a random book and opened it up. The pages were cut out and a small box was tucked inside. He pulled it out and flipped the lid. Discs; at least twenty and Varan deftly picked out a few.

“This box contains everything I have on the Drakesthai and the Hai galaxy over the last fifteen cycles.” The discs clinked back into the box and the thief handed them over without another word.

“Just like that?” Nash asked.

There was that cocky smile that set his teeth on edge. “Yes, but I do expect you to share some tech with me.”

“So you can use it to steal from the Draga Royal family? I don’t think so,” Nash said shaking his head.

“Then what will you trade for it?” Varan asked, stepping closer.

Nash tucked the box in his pocket and glared. He would have to give up something, he knew that. He wasn’t a bloody fool. But what could he afford to hand over? “I’ll give you my phasing tech.” The thief would still be visible even if he could access anything and that would be worth all the intel and then some. “That will pay for the intel, a squadron of your best fighters, and some gold.”

“You can pass through matter?” Varan didn’t even hesitate. He held out his hand in agreement. “Done, I’ll have the contract written up. We will go over the amount of fighters and gold later. Take your intel and get out of my court. I don’t need word to spread to Nadyah.”

Nash almost laughed, but he understood the sentiment all too well. If Nadyah found out about their visit, then no doubt she would pass it along to Adelina and who knows what the two of them would do with that information. “The females in our lives always manage to test us in ways we could never anticipate,” he said with a slight bow of his head. Nash pulled on his armor and secured it over his chest as he crossed the office, avoiding the destruction he’d wrought.

“You have no idea, mate,” Varan said as he followed Nash to his door. “Say, how fast is your ship exactly?”

No one was around to hear his reply. “With the right amount of fuel and supplies I can reach the border from Draga within the week.” Faster, if he really wanted.

The last time he’d traversed his entire galaxy Nash had managed five days, but he also never had a breakdown or ran into any other problems.

A low whistle of appreciation from Varan and he could practically see the wheels turn in the thief’s head. “That is definitely something to keep in mind during this upcoming war. Give me a head’s up before you leave and I’ll have the men as well as messages.”

Nash nodded. Despite their fight, they’d come out of it as allies if maybe not the best of friends. He clasped the thief’s arm in farewell.

If Adelina would talk to him, maybe he could get her to open up, even if it required riling her up to the point of hitting him. It was something to consider at least. Something about a physical fight always cleared the air.

Nash grinned with fierce pleasure. She was a hellcat when she was riled, and he loved how he was one of the few allowed to see that side of her, even if he didn’t like when she was angry with him.

When she withdrew from him body and soul Nash felt the emptiness. He would have to let go of his pride and ask for forgiveness.