Page 70 of Crown of Draga

Chapter Twenty



Outer Rim

Draga Space

Something wasn’t right.

The last week they’d had a peaceful journey. There were no issues with maintenance or mechanics; they’d fueled up without problem twice at different outposts. Sirus had even checked in with the old steward Colin when they landed on Pedranus to resupply. The old codger had tears in his eyes when Sirus had requested his permission to marry Joslynn.

Now they were outside Treon space and the planet’s outposts were empty. There was no sign of the Treon forces or any person of authority. The scan on his ship indicated there were still citizens on the surface of the planet and in the family seat, but far less than he had anticipated.

Princess Giselle’s voice came through the transmission. “Are you reading what I am?” she asked. Her voice was strained and nervous. Sirus felt bad for the unblooded warrior. What a mission to have as her first.

“There are thousands missing from the seat. The outposts are empty. I have ships circling the planet for anything they’ve hidden among the moons and stars, but so far nothing.” Sirus was quiet as he studied the planet before him through the massive viewer on the bridge. The scan didn’t show any of the Treon nobles either and his ship had been uploaded with the proper genetic scan before they’d left. “I don’t believe the Treon lords are on the surface.”

If they were even in the area at all.

Lord Lucas had made it to Draga Terra despite multiple attempts on his life. It only made sense the two would stay apprised and leave the seat if necessary. “Orders?” Sirus asked.

Despite being the one with more experience, this was Princess Giselle’s maiden voyage and she was the highest ranking soldier. Sirus would support her and make sure nothing happened to the future heir.

“I want five ships on recon,” she said. “Widen your patrol until you hit Seprilles space and then report. Intersecting patterns and stay on alert.”

A feeling in his gut told him this wouldn’t end well, not because of her orders, but because of some deep instinct in his warrior’s body. Sirus half-listened to the affirmations while he studied the flagship Draga’s Justice. Giselle was no doubt watching Treon just as he was, at this precise moment.

“No one land on the surface,” Giselle said. Her voice was strong and sure through the transmission. “It could be a trap. Keep your eyes peeled. I’m sending patrols to the Treon space outposts. We are trying to make contact with the Seat as we speak.”

Sirus nodded. Good girl. On the surface they’d all be vulnerable and could end up smashed between the atmosphere and the ground if Treon rained fire on them from above.

As he studied his constantly updating scans Sirus could scarcely believe how much improved his vision was now that he could see with both eyes. It renewed his confidence and Sirus knew his fighting skills would be twice what they were before, if not more.

Giselle said words of encouragement to their warriors as they waited for word. Thank the goddess of war he would not have to follow bad orders and possibly break that promise.

All of a sudden the transmission lines were clogged and there was yelling, reports were being thrown at him from five different stations and Sirus tried to sort through it all. A massive explosion hit his ship and the Warrior’s Curse rocked hard to the side. Sirus managed to hold his ground and barked out orders.

It wasn’t just the missing Treons bearing down on them. No, there were also glittering, black ships that didn’t show up on his scanners. Ships that tore through the royal fleet with a viciousness Sirus had never experienced. He gritted his teeth and held the console hard as he flipped through his scans and data, locating each of his ships in the armada. He kept a wary eye on the Draga’s Justice. It would be his head if a royal died on his watch.

“Warriors engage, report any enemy’s weakness, and stick together!” Sirus roared over the intercom. He checked his weapons, thankfully no damage to his cannons. “Ready the missiles.”

“Missiles at the ready, sir!”

Goddess, protect them. Sirus gritted his teeth and said a silent prayer that he would be able to return to Joslynn after this was all over.


Starships full of his people exploded in the night sky. Those starships he’d so carefully maneuvered from the Scyrian Army burned and despite the lack of sound in space, a percussive wave rocked the Warrior’s Curse. Screams and warriors begging for help rattled the transmissions until those helpless cries were all Sirus could hear.

His hands gripped his consoles so tight his knuckles were white and his teeth ground together so hard he thought they would shatter at any second. Missile after missile hit his enemies. The Treon forces broke apart as easily as glass against marble.

Sirus had to roar his orders over the death screams of his people. His pilots did as commanded, moving the Warrior’s Curse to protect the Draga’s Justice from those glittering ships of nothing.

The Neprijat forces were unlike anything he’d ever encountered before.

Sirus unleashed his entire arsenal on those monstrous ships and it took nearly everything he had to bring down only one. The engines of the Neprijat ship stuttered and then failed with small explosions. He watched the ship get pulled into Treon’s orbit. It screeched toward the surface, but there was no fire as it broke through the atmosphere. The heat did nothing to the ship. Not until it shattered into the ground and created a massive wave of destruction from the point of contact did the ship actually break apart.