Adelina wriggled under him and he pinned her wrists down before he took her right then and there. “It’s too hot to wear much,” she said. “If I’d known it wasn’t customary in Khara I might have said something if only to tease you.”
Nash bared his teeth at her as his gaze roved over her luscious curves, the swells of her breasts, the sweet dark areolas with her nipples at attention, the curve of her waist and the flare of her hip. He pressed a kiss between her breasts and breathed in deep. Definitely vanilla, he thought as he licked a path to her soft belly. Adelina moaned when he bit her hip and then licked the hollow there as well. He turned to the other, settling between her thighs.
Adelina’s hips bucked against him and he wanted to bury his face in her, but he had promised to take his time. Suddenly she shot up and reached down. He felt those nails of hers slice through his shirt, tearing it into ribbons as she laid back. The shirt fell in tatters until he was bare to the waist.
When he looked up at her in astonishment she smiled at him with enough heat to set him on fire. “I didn’t think it was fair I was the only one who lost an item of clothing today.”
Nash threw his head back and laughed. “Remind me not to piss you off,” he said, tossing the rags to the floor. The black lacquer on her nails made her a veritable demoness as she writhed beneath him.
He went straight for the lovely folds of her nether lips and licked long and slow. She bucked against him but one arm across her hips held her to the bed and he gave her all the attention and skill she deserved, every ounce of his control and desire went into every lick and suck. He planned to tease her for as long as she would allow. Nash knew under the surface of her flushed skin she was dying to take control of him and he wondered as he sucked softly on her clit how long she would hold out.
Adelina’s legs trembled and her hands clutched the bed sheets. Nash kept his pressure steady, his rhythm slow until she was practically screaming at him. She rode his face hard and he took it, wanting to make sure she came for him before he filled her. It had been a while, and he wasn’t sure how long he could hold out.
Nash sucked on her clit, on her lips and then slid his tongue inside her before slipping a finger deep inside her. Adelina breathed his name. It was a plea, a demand, and told him exactly what she wanted. He licked and sucked while he slid in and out of her wet center. When he slipped a second finger inside her she screamed as she came against his tongue. The sweet taste of her drove him wild and Nash gripped her hard enough to bruise while she thrashed.
He kept the rhythm slow, riding out her orgasm. When she lay still, shuddering with every flick of his tongue he pulled his fingers out. Nash kissed her thigh up to her hip and then the slight curve of her belly. Without warning she pushed against his chest hard. Nash flipped onto his back and her hands worked at the clasp of his pants. They were yanked down just enough his cock sprang free.
It was a shock, but he’d expected her domination at some point. Nash grinned up at Adelina; her hair was wild and her gaze half-lidded as she sank down on him. He groaned so loud no doubt someone had heard. Nash didn’t give a damn. The feel of her was exquisite, soft, and she clamped around him with the aftershocks of her last orgasm.
Her thighs were exquisite as she slowly rode his cock, taking her pleasure from him. Those nails raked down his chest and Nash grabbed her ass and squeezed, dropping her down on him hard. He lifted her again and slammed her down, over and over until she shuddered around him again, screaming his name. Nash roared as he came, filling her as his entire body seized. It was delicious pain mixed with so much pleasure his vision blacked for a moment.
Adelina collapsed onto his chest, breathing heavily. Nash stroked her hair back as he tried to catch his breath. That had been everything he’d wanted and more for their first time.
He held her close and closed his eyes so he could remember this moment exactly as it was. The smell of sex and salty sweat mixed with her sweet jasmine and vanilla. He sighed in contentment.
Nash had never been in love before, but if he could hazard a guess he’d assume it felt a lot like the feelings he had for the secretly wild female on top of him.
He kissed the top of Adelina’s head and wrapped his arms around her while they both dozed off. She was pure bliss against his skin and Nash planned how he would wake her as he drifted.