Page 60 of Crown of Draga

His words melted her.

Adelina opened her mouth to talk and he pressed a finger to her lips. “Let me finish. I was serious when I told you I would get you your freedom back, whether it was me you chose or not. But I want a chance to prove to you I could be the one. If you would take my offer I would move the sun and moons to make it happen.”

It was too much. Adelina didn’t know what to say or how to react. Now she could finally explore her relationship with him without the mate bond hanging over her head.

There was only one issue. “What about Raena’s decree?” she asked. Her future queen’s wrath terrified her. There were so many ways she could find out about them. Could Adelina possibly keep Nash a secret?

Would she be able to uphold her honor and duty to the Crown if she let herself love him?

“Raena will never find out,” Nash promised. “I have my stealth tech. When we want to simply walk through the gardens or take a ride, all we need to do is make sure there is an escort. The only challenge will be keeping my hands to myself when others are around.” His fingers skimmed her waist and Nash bent to kiss her.

It was gentle and sweet.

Adelina lost herself in his scent. She lost herself in the power of his body, and the strength and control he possessed just to keep from accidentally hurting her. Her fingers tangled in his hair, and no matter how dangerous she knew this was, or how easy it would be for anyone to walk by and see them despite the deserted area…her heart thundered in her chest as she tasted him, as she sucked the tip of his tongue and pressed her entire body against his.

The tingling started in her toes and slowly rose. It was pleasant rather than painful this time and her control was a thousand times better than it had been six months before. Her nails raked the back of his neck with just enough bite for him to notice, but not enough to break the skin. Nash shuddered and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Adelina,” he whispered. The way his husky voice sounded as he said her name, it made her toes curl in her shoes. “Give me a chance. I promise I will respect your secrets. You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to.”

It was stupid and reckless, but for once Adelina wanted something for herself. “Yes,” she said, kissing him between her words. “I will give you a chance.”

Nash studied her face in astonishment. “You mean it?”

A smile broke over Adelina’s face and she couldn’t contain it even if she wanted to.

“Yes, I mean it.”

Nash touched a curl in near wonder, as if he couldn’t possibly believe his good luck. It made Adelina’s heart flutter to know how much he cared, even if it was still nothing more than learning why they were so attracted to each other.

“Will you meet me in my rooms?” she whispered, barely breathing. “We could look at the books my father gave me and perhaps make a plan.”

Adelina’s nerves made her hands shaky and she pressed the pad of her thumb harder into the new gold seal. She would have to order some tea things so she could keep her hands occupied and off of his delicious body. If she couldn’t resist, at least she had Nadyah’s advice on the matter.

“I’ll be there,” Nash promised. “And be sure, not a soul will know or see me, Princess.” He kissed her again. Hard enough to bruise and with enough passion Adelina wouldn’t soon forget the way he felt and tasted.

She watched him disappear right before her eyes. A few moments later his scent was gone.

Adelina sat down on the nearest chair, next to a table stacked with ancient books. Her fingers brushed her lips as she considered everything this could mean. Adelina couldn’t deny the attraction and the insane desire she felt for the prince.

Exploring it was only natural. If Raena hadn’t expressly forbidden it and stripped her marriage rights from her Adelina would have every right to see the prince whenever and however she wanted. This was the first time in her life she was explicitly disobeying the Crown and the consequences weighed heavy on her mind.

It also put the alliance at risk.

If Raena decided to execute the prince for treason his people could rally against them along with the Neprijat. If they were discovered Adelina could be tried for treason, royal status or no. Were her feelings worth the possible consequences?

Adelina stared at the wall as she contemplated. Raena could easily change her mind. If Nash did reclaim his kingdom then they would need an ambassador for Khara Prime, as the last emissary was murdered by the Neprijat. A marriage to Khara Prime royalty would solidify a shaky alliance and Adelina knew Giselle refused to marry outside her own choices. If such a choice was even presented to Giselle she would outright refuse.

There was one other option Adelina hadn’t considered before. Raena could choose Nash as her husband…would he deny her? And if he did, what would she do to him in retaliation?

Adelina pushed the dark thoughts away. It didn’t matter at the moment. No, she resolved. She would take the gift Mala gave her and learn if the prince was more than a passing flame. She stood on shaky legs and smoothed her dress, knowing when she got to her rooms he would be there waiting.

Adelina only hoped it would not be strained and awkward.

A cast to a servant would have the tea and food in her sitting room by the time she arrived. Adelina picked up the books from the secret library. Her feet sped up of their own volition.

Nash would leave Draga Terra soon. If she wanted to learn what exactly it was between them, this would be her last chance.

Adelina silently thanked her father for his promise to help her and headed down to the fifth floor.