Slowly Adelina nodded. “Unfortunately, but Raena will be Queen. I must serve the Crown.”
Joslynn let out a slow breath as a few pieces fell into place. The Crown Princess had been throwing her power around from what she’d gleaned from the gossip and rumors. She was young and untried, and it seemed Raena felt threatened at every turn. Until her reign was secure the palace was a dangerous place to be.
As the youngest princess was the most submissive…
But was she?
Joslynn studied her as she rearranged the jewels on the velvet, muttering to herself. There was something strange about her scent, and Joslynn’s senses were confused. One moment she felt the need to bow and expose her throat like she did around Prince Asher, but now she felt nothing. There was no threat and she knew if commanded the princess would obey.
What sorcery was this?
“When will the wedding take place?” Adelina asked, changing the subject.
“As soon as possible,” Joslynn answered, still watching her closely. “But he has already signed binding contracts. Sirus is mine.” She wanted to growl her claim, but managed to resist. Adelina was no competition.
“Yes, he is,” Adelina agreed and it settled Joslynn to hear it. “You should marry him before war begins,” she said softly.
The words were like a slap of ice on her soul. Joslynn looked out at the dark, looming mountains. They cast a shadow that felt deep and oppressive, but they were also beautiful – snow-capped even in the height of summer.
“If he manages to come back from the border alive and well I will push for a wedding, but it will have to be done on Pedranus.”
“You can have a small ceremony in a temple here before he leaves,” Adelina said, carefully putting each ingot back into the box. Her eyes lingered on a few gems. “Take what you can while it is still possible, Joslynn. I have a feeling war will strip much from us before it is through.” A few more clinks and only one gem remained.
Joslynn watched the princess trace the shape of the black opal. It was deep and dark, a true black with flecks of opalescent shimmer in all the colors of the rainbow, but the purple and the red were the most prevalent. It suited the princess somehow and she wondered what else might be stripped from Adelina before the end.
If Joslynn had to bet gold, she’d say it would be that mask of hers. The humanity that hid what was underneath the surface. There was something about Adelina, a trait of a true Draga that didn’t always breed true. They were all designed after the sacred wolf, but some had more than others.
And when Adelina looked up at her she saw it there, flickering in those amethyst eyes. Joslynn swallowed, but she reached out to take Adelina’s hand despite that tiny bit of fear. “When he returns I will, because Giselle and Sirus will make it home safely and we will celebrate with a tiny ceremony that I hope you will attend.”
Adelina squeezed her hand and those silver tears were back. “I’d like nothing more, Joslynn. Thank you for including me.”
Joslynn nodded and silently swore to keep Adelina company. No one deserved to be alone in these times, isolated as the princess was. She didn’t have to know what secrets she kept to see that they were there. It was a difficult burden to bear.
“That opal is a coming-of-age gift from me to you,” Joslynn said, tapping the egg-sized gem. “The rest you can pay me for.”
It was obscene and taboo if one gave away an age of maturity gift. Adelina smiled, knowing exactly what Joslynn wanted. Such a rare specimen was not for Raena. She hadn’t earned it yet, and Joslynn had a feeling love wouldn’t be the only thing Adelina would have to sacrifice in the coming months.
“Nadyah has what I owe you,” Adelina explained. “Will you spend some time with me yet, and tell me more about Pedranus?”
Joslynn nodded. She’d been right. The young princess needed friends, she needed a pack. “What do you want to know about Pedranus?”
Joslynn smiled and started weaving intricate stories about her people, their myths, and the endless rain. Goddess, she missed home. It wouldn’t be long before she could return, and Sirus would be there with her. She prayed their family would grow and they would have cycles together as she ignored the building sense of dread.
Joslynn would not give up what was hers.