Page 48 of Crown of Draga

Veri was not afraid of Asher, but she felt his power and it shook her to her core. Everything she was demanded that she make him hers. When Veri met his dark purple gaze she shuddered with desire, remembering what he felt like inside of her. “Thank you,” she breathed.

“Would you like to walk with me?” Asher said, ignoring Hayden as he got up and skittered away like the trash he was.

Veri slid her knife back into its sheath and rearranged the slit in her skirt to hide her bare legs once more. “I would love nothing more than to spend time with you, mia principe.”

Asher’s eyes twinkled as some of his rage dissipated. He kept her close, one hand on the small of her back as he directed her to one of the many gardens. “I quite enjoy how you use my title in the old language.”

These gardens were different from most of the others. The rosanera covered everything in its deadly vines and there were pools of water, fountains, and waterfalls at every turn. It was magnificent and Veri breathed in the smell that reminded her of Asher. “We use the old language on Priea more than most planets from what I’ve heard.”

Asher nodded and let her lead them through the water gardens. She wanted to touch one of the black roses, but they were sacred. Her prince must have sensed the desire because he flicked out a knife with obvious skill and grace, and then cut her a single rose. Asher handed the beauty to her and flipped the knife before tucking it away.

Veri admired the perfect rose, careful of its vicious thorns and then buried her nose in the blacker-than-black petals. The scent wasn’t sweet. It was musky and aromatic, like vanilla and smoke and sandalwood. It was heady, but it couldn’t compare to the same scent on Asher laced with his dominance and power.

Only a Draga royal could possess the rosanerascent.

“I wanted to apologize for Lord Hayden’s behavior,” Prince Asher said, his hands clasped behind his back as he meandered by her side through the gardens. “He gives males a bad name.”

Veri shook her head, trailing one hand through the water. She sat down at the edge of the pool and sighed. “A jilted lover is an ugly thing, but Hayden only pretends to care. He was quick enough to take the favor Princess Raena offered.”

Asher didn’t sit, but he looked down at her thoughtfully. “I can’t say that I understand the situation as I’ve never had a relationship before. There have been trysts and visits to the House of Kismet, but I prefer to avoid the complications, especially as most females only want me for my title and power.”

Veri tilted her head in consideration. It was a rather personal thing to admit, and Asher was a very private person. That he trusted her enough to tell her even that was a good sign. “What if a female wanted you for your beautiful face, attractive muscles, incredible wit, and your power?” she asked.

Asher took a step closer and his eyes narrowed. “But not my title?”

Veri smiled and tugged Asher even closer by his belt. “Hm, the title is like icing on a cake, but the rest is what matters.”

The prince sat down next to Veri, smiling slightly as she sidled closer to him. “Is this female you?”

It was difficult to keep her hands to herself, but Veri wanted him to confide in her, to trust her, to know how she felt. “Maybe it is,” she admitted. “I’m not going to lie and say your power doesn’t tease me, but I like the way it makes me feel when you’re around. I feel safe and protected.”

Asher reached out and traced a thumb down the side of her face gently. “It doesn’t frighten you?”

Veri shook her head and leaned into his touch. “No, it doesn’t. It’s delicious and intoxicating.”

Those purple eyes danced with an inner flame and Asher leaned in and gave her a sweet, gentle kiss. It was appreciative and tender. “You may be the only one then,” he admitted. “Even my own family is frightened of me. My sister worries I may overpower her rank as queen one day, and the others worry what I could do with my dominance.”

She frowned. “All of them?” Veri wouldn’t say Giselle or Adelina were afraid of him, but she understood what he meant. People were tense around her at home as she was one of the most dominant Priea’s in a long while.

Asher shrugged. “Most of them. Adelina has always needed my protection with her submissive status and she feels as you do, safe when I’m around, but she’s starting to come into her own and show some of her Draga fire. On occasion I feel as though I will not be needed. Useless as a fourth-born even with the dominance I possess. I’m a threat to anyone on the throne, and only good for battle and war. Until recently I was nothing.”

Veri was flattered Asher would confide so much in her. She ran her fingers through his hair and wondered if he actually cared for her, or if he was simply drawn to her because of her exotic differences.

“You are not nothing,” she murmured. “You will never be nothing. Adelina loves you Asher; I saw it today in the council meeting. I don’t believe she’d ever be threatened by you, and I think she sees your value outside your truly marvelous musculature.” She ran an appreciative hand up his thick and corded arm.

“I couldn’t protect her against Raena,” he said, heaving a huge sigh. “I’ve never truly felt powerless until that moment. We were always there for each other, so close in age if not as close as she and Giselle. We’ve talked a bit since Raena’s coronation was moved up six months ago and we’ve spoken about the state of things, how we both would like to change the situation in the outer rim and really help our people, but we have to do it together. She takes the quiet route, pushing Raena gently when I outright challenge her. It’s worked so far, but in that moment when Raena had full control…”

Veri hadn’t heard the details of that incident though everyone knew something had happened and Nash was forbidden to the youngest princess. Some said the Princess Adelina had sacrificed her right to love so she could uphold the Draga honor. The female had a cult following among the people Veri doubted any of the royals knew existed.

If Raena ever found out, Veri wouldn’t be surprised if Adelina had some kind of an ‘accident.’

Asher needed her reassurance, she could sense it. Although Veri wanted his power and the title he could grant her more than anything, she also wanted the man. She wanted Asher to truly trust her and to know she was the only one who held his heart in her hands.

“What can I do to help?” she asked, wrapping her arms around his neck, letting the prince rest his head on her shoulder. Veri stroked his shoulders, working out some of the tension and a plan began to formulate.

Asher adored his sister and if she could help Adelina perhaps he would trust her more. It would not be an easy task. The young princess was closed off and secretive for the most part. No one really knew anything about her other than what they saw on the livestream. And as a master dissembler Veri recognized one of her own.

“I don’t know that there’s anything you could do,” Asher said. “I am what I am, and I must serve the Crown.”