Nadyah ground her clit against Adelina, knowing exactly how to press and fill to stimulate both the clitoris and the sensitive spot inside her princess. “Always tell your partner when they are doing well,” she said between pants. “Positive reinforcement, especially with males will keep them coming back to what works.”
“Right there,” Adelina said, adjusting Nadyah’s position. “I want it there and I want it harder.”
Amora save her. That dark jasmine filled her nose and surrounded her. It was a jasmine she’d never smelled before in her life, but Nadyah was determined to find the flower that matched Adelina’s scent, if such a thing even existed.
She followed her princess’s commands and rode her hard until they both came, gasping and panting on the plush carpet of Adelina’s floor. The princess laughed when Nadyah collapsed on top of her and rolled until she was the one above Nadyah.
“I think I know what pleases me,” Adelina teased. “Would you agree?”
Nadyah snorted a laugh and tapped her princess’s nose. “For the most part, though there are many things yet to try.”
Adelina’s eyes sparkled. “I’m sure you will show me when the time comes.”
Nadyah gave Adelina’s lips a peck. “We will work on one skill at a time, Princess.” Carefully she extricated herself from their entangled limbs. “Now let’s wash. We courtesans have to make every action a dance of seduction. Let me show you.” She offered Adelina her hand and the princess took it with a warm smile.
“Of course, Mistress. I promise to do as you say.”
Nadyah chuckled and led them both into the washroom. Despite the added difficulty of dealing with a surprise, a dominant instead of a submissive, she knew she would never forget this time she and Adelina had together. Nadyah was grateful to Amora for giving her this opportunity to love, no matter how it ended.