She slid a golden box out from under her bed and opened it. A few straps of leather lay on top and she slipped them on. They framed her hips and came to a point over her clit, but left her slit completely exposed. Nadyah tried not to imagine what Adelina would think and closed the box of paraphernalia.
If Adelina wasn’t interested, Nadyah would most likely have to go to the House of Kismet for a release. It was difficult to operate without the usual amount of sex she was accustomed to. Nadyah burned inside.
Deep, red lip-stain darkened her lips and Nadyah let down her hair until it bounced around her shoulders in golden waves. It was time to teach her princess how to please. When she stepped back into Adelina’s bedroom her breath caught.
All that golden skin was on display and the princess knelt as instructed in the submissive position with her hands flat on the tops of her thighs. Her long black hair covered her perfect breasts and her eyes were downcast.
“Very good,” Nadyah murmured, just barely managing to keep her hands to herself. “What we learn in the camerraleto is the art of seduction, the differences between seducing a female, and seducing a male. Then we learn how to please. We learn to please both sexes, and the various techniques to do so.”
Nadyah paced in front of her pupil while she recited everything she would teach. “The common trait in a desirable partner is communication and attentiveness,” she explained. “This is true for both sexes and once you’ve made the other feel desired, special, and as though you care about them and their thoughts and desires, they are halfway yours already.”
Nadyah stopped pacing and placed one finger under Adelina’s chin, lifting her face. Those amethyst eyes searched her own, and the desire was obvious when she noticed Nadyah’s attire.
“You will learn fifteen different positions for female to male sex, and the same goes for the female to female sex. You will learn to give oral pleasure to both as well as how to properly give attention to all the erogenous zones of both sexes. Once we are finished with the basic camerraleto you can decide if you’d like to learn all 30 positions courtesans learn for both sexes as well as various different configurations for a terzetta, more commonly known as a threesome.”
Adelina nodded, but Nadyah could see the questions swirling in her eyes. She was a good girl though, keeping her mouth closed until Nadyah gave her permission. “Any questions you have may be asked now.”
Adelina didn’t move as instructed but those amethyst eyes ate Nadyah alive. “Why would I need to learn how to please a female when I am required to marry a male?”
Nadyah turned and set her golden case on the decorative table against the wall. She slowly opened the case and surveyed the tools of her trade. “You are trained to be an advisor, to be an ambassador, and I know you’ve trained yourself to spy when necessary. Learning how to seduce a female is different than a male, and if you truly want her to beg to tell you all her secrets, you should know how to make her do so.”
She saw Adelina shudder from the corner of her eye.
“Can I have sex outside the camerraleto for my own pleasure?”
Nadyah hummed a bit as she took out what they’d need for this session. She’d known this question would be asked. Now that Adelina couldn’t be accidentally mated she’d no doubt want to seduce Nash. “Yes, you may, although you will need to report to me about the incidents so I can see where we are in the camerraleto and perhaps address any issues you may have.”
She could smell the arousal and embarrassment on the air. The part inside of her, the part courtesans had been designed for – recognized what Adelina needed, detected all of her emotions and helped Nadyah select the correct approach. Being an empath wasn’t always pleasant, but in the bedroom it was imperative. Nadyah would have to train Adelina how to listen to those instincts as well.
“How would you advise a Kalan, Draga Princess to sleep with a foreign Corinthian Prince of Khara?” Adelina asked.
Nadyah frowned. Yes there was the issue that they knew very little about the Corinthian sexual preferences. It wasn’t something courtesans trained for. Every Corinthian they’d ever met hated courtesans. She picked up the dildo and turned to face her pupil. Adelina’s eyes widened when she took in the toy and the size of it.
“Trust your instincts, Adelina. Use what you learn in the camerraleto and you should be fine.”
“What is that for?” Adelina breathed.
Nadyah stroked the long, thick silicone penis. It was detailed with the same veins a male would have when fully erect and at the base was a nice set of testicles that hung realistically. She gave her pupil a wicked smile. “Before you can learn how to please others, you need to learn how to please yourself. Knowing what you like and what will bring you to orgasm will aid you in the bedroom. You can direct a partner in bringing you to completion. Remember, communication is key. Confide in them about what you like, but also listen.”
Adelina nodded, her eyes glued to the massive, phallic toy.
“Any other questions?” Nadyah asked.
Adelina shook her head and Nadyah grinned. “Good, now let’s begin.”
She set the dildo on the bed and then went back to her room for a moment. When she came back she set the large mirror against the closed door to Adelina’s sitting room, right in front of the princess.
Nadyah stepped back and was pleased to see her pupil hadn’t moved a muscle. She slowly walked over to Adelina, taking the damper off her sexuality. Her hips rolled and the sultry motion had brought many to their knees to properly worship her. The heat in Adelina’s eyes flared and so did her nostrils when she scented Nadyah’s arousal. Good, Adelina had many of the courtesan’s best traits on top of the heightened senses the Dragas possessed.
The plush carpet against her knees felt divine and the see-through robe pulled taut against her peaked nipples. Nadyah’s breasts felt heavy with desire and they practically ached for attention, but she breathed as all courtesans were taught and reached over. Her fingers slid over the princess’s deliciously delicate skin until Nadyah got a good grip of her inner thigh. Gently she pulled Adelina’s knees apart, wide enough they could both see everything in the mirror’s reflection.
Her princess let a gasp escape as the air hit her slick center. Nadyah’s mouth watered at the scent and barely managed to restrain herself. When she spoke, her voice was huskier than normal, laced with desire. “Please yourself,” she instructed. “Touch yourself so you can see what will bring you to orgasm.”
Fingers trembling Adelina reached for her clit, slowly circling the nub and the scent of arousal practically doubled. “Good,” Nadyah murmured, feeling her own wetness drip down her thighs as she watched. “Now, do you need something inside of you to orgasm?”
The blush across Adelina’s cheeks was deep red, but she managed to answer Nadyah. “No,” she gasped. “It heightens the pleasure, but I don’t require it.” Her fingers increased tempo and Nadyah could see she was already close to coming.
She stilled the princess’s hand. This wasn’t just for the camerraleto; this was also something Nadyah needed. “May I put my mouth on you?” she asked.