Page 42 of Crown of Draga

Then the pen touched her flesh.

It was like sticking her hand right into a roaring fire. Instantly, sweat poured down Adelina’s face and she gritted her teeth so hard against the pain she thought they might shatter.

“Breathe,” Nadyah reminded her. “Take a deep breath. Remember your training.”

Adelina wanted to curse her for such logical words, but instead she did as she was told. She focused every brain cell on getting oxygen into her body slowly and surely, and then let it out so she could manage the sick feeling as her nerves screamed in agony.

The pain went on forever, carving into her flesh like molten lava.

Adelina closed her eyes and tried to keep her heartbeat steady. “Would you mind talking about something?” she managed through her clenched teeth.

Nadyah took her free hand and started talking in Ilashyan. “I received the list of missing ships from the borders as well as the location of the Royal Library.”

“Where is it?” Adelina gasped. The only other person in the room was male and there was no chance someone would overhear.

“It’s in the main library, but hidden. I’ll show you where the general location is when we get a moment.”

The pen made a long curve against the flesh at the base of her thumb and Adelina bit her lip to keep from screaming. It felt like the Master was carving a chunk out of her hand with a blunt knife. She tasted blood from biting her tongue so hard, but the scent of burning flesh overpowered the coppery taste. The smell sat thick and heavy on the back of her tongue.

“I spoke to Nash while I gathered his DNA,” Nadyah said in their beautifully deceptive language. “He was not pleased to see me.”

Adelina actually laughed, swiping at the sweat dripping down her neck and the front of her dress. “I can imagine. He doesn’t like courtesans. Something about the scent seems to bother him.”

Nadyah nodded. “He thought I was there to speak on your behalf.”

The smell of her burning flesh and the pain that radiated over her entire body was too much to allow Adelina to feel angry at the prince’s assumption she would send a messenger. She laid her head against the back of the chair and kept her eyes closed.

“He has strong feelings for you, Lina,” Nadyah went on. “But I don’t think he will forgive you easily for not confiding in him.”

Stupid males, they always thought they knew better. Males had such delicate pride, it was a wonder they accomplished anything at all. Now that she couldn’t be mated though, the main reason for pushing him away was gone.

Raena’s command to never be alone with him still caused issues, but if she could get him to see reason she wouldn’t have to tell him why she’d told him ‘no’ when she had desperately wanted to say ‘yes.’

Another dig into her palm and Adelina thought she would faint.

“It is finished,” the Master said.

Adelina’s breathing was too quick, but she sat up with relief. Her skin was clammy and sweat poured down her back. With a shaky hand she reached out and pulled herself up. Her palm was face up on the table and Adelina leaned in closer to inspect the gold seal. The delicate work was inflamed but she could still see the detail and it was absolutely gorgeous.

The Master sprayed a healing solvent over her hand and instantly the swelling and pain disappeared until it looked as though she’d always had such a mark. Thank Mala a crown brand was much smaller otherwise Adelina didn’t know how her parents survived the pain.

The queen had said childbirth was a thousand times worse than the seal. Adelina had no idea how that was even possible.

“Once the gold has set there can be no damage done to the seal. Ensure nothing mars my work for the next twenty-four hours and it will never need to be touched up or replaced.”

Nadyah made a noise of admiration as the Master Sealer stood and bowed before leaving without any additional fanfare. Adelina couldn’t look away from the shimmery gold on her palm. She was finally completely of age and would be allowed more independence. She had no idea what she would do with it, but it was nice to know it was there.

“Are you going to speak with Nash now that you know the truth?” Nadyah asked as she helped Adelina stand.

Instantly she sobered, tucking a few damp strands of hair back and considered the new truth she’d been thrust into. Adelina didn’t want to speak with Nash. She wanted to talk to Elara or her father and find out more about her creation. Why only Adelina and not any others? What was the purpose of creating her?

“I’m not going to tell Nash why I refused him. If he cannot accept that I need no other reason than I was uncomfortable with it, we truly are not compatible.” The gold shimmered and it caught Adelina’s eye as she waved her hand for the door to open. It would take some time to get used to.

Nadyah looked down with a small smile. “You are finally learning to be who you really are, I’m proud of you for that.”

The courtesan still looked sad so she linked her arm in Nadyah’s and grinned up at the gorgeous female. “Only thanks to you and now we can truly start our camerraleto.”

Nadyah stopped in the hall and looked down at Adelina. She cocked her head and the smoldering fire in her eyes made Adelina’s knees weak. “Would you like to begin now? I believe we’ve put it off long enough.”

Instantly a heat started in Adelina’s belly and pooled between her legs. “As long as we mind the seal, I believe – I believe I would like that.”

Nadyah grinned and held out her hand. “Then come with me, Adelina, and let me show you all that I know.”

Her hand trembled as she reached out for the courtesan, accepting the offer. It felt as though she’d waited her whole life for this moment, and now there was nothing holding them back.