Their mother shook her head in irritation. “An engagement would not ruin your chances of deployment. But you need to consider a husband, Giselle. You can no longer put it off during this precarious time.”
Giselle jumped to her feet and Adelina looked to Raena, feeling helpless. Giselle was always on edge and always pushed boundaries. It caused friction and discord. Adelina hated it, but she did want Giselle to achieve her dreams. Her sister was torn between her two desires, and her two worlds.
Adelina’s work could be kept secret, and there was much she did no one knew about. She even worked under a false name. This was not something Giselle could do and she felt awful for her.
“Enough!” Raena snapped, her good mood gone. “I am reinstating protocol. There will be no more talk of engagements.” The future queen glared at her mother and then her sister. “I will decide and inform both of you when or if Giselle requires an engagement and you will both accept my command.”
“Of course, Raena,” Queen Adele acknowledged with a slight bow of her head.
Giselle curtseyed and then stalked out of the room. Thankfully Raena waved her hand as she left, allowing the breach in protocol. Adelina stood and curtseyed. “May I please be excused?” she asked with her eyes to the floor again, her entire demeanor changing back to the demure submissive.
“Yes, Adelina, please make sure Giselle doesn’t do anything foolish,” their mother said. Raena nodded her acceptance of the command.
“Thank you,” Adelina murmured and then rushed out of the room to catch up with Giselle.
She didn’t recognize the two guards at the door, and a pang went through her. Normally Alpha was there, waiting until she was done with her tea. Then he would escort her to her next lesson, or the conservatory.
Since the coming-of-age party he’d been reassigned. Alpha was still her personal guard but she no longer required his constant presence now that she was of age. Adelina feared they would grow apart and she would lose her friend.
She sighed and picked up her skirts. Adelina wanted to talk to Giselle and reassure her before she left the next day. There was a possibility she’d never see her beloved sister again, and Adelina hurried.
Nothing was the same anymore.