“What can I get you,” I ask while leaning over the bar.

The brunette looks at me long and hard while eyeing me up and down. She almost looks as if she’s ready to strip down right here and jump my shit. She’s desperate and it’s actually turning me off. I kind of liked having to work for it.

“Whatever you’re willing to give.” She smiles before leaning in and running her tongue over her lips. “You’re Slade, right? I’ve heard a lot of things about you.”

I stand here slightly amused, watching as she tries desperately to make herself seem willing and available.

“I’ve had a rough couple days and am looking for someone to take my mind off things. I’ve heard you’re the man to do the job.” Her eyes rake over my body as she tugs on the top of her dress, exposing more of her firm br**sts to me. “I’ve heard you’re the best.”

Clearing my throat, I turn my head and point across the room to Hemy. I wait for her eyes to follow. “I’m good . . . but go take your offer to my buddy over there. He’ll be sure to f**k you nice and thoroughly. He’ll even throw in a friend to take you up the ass while he’s deep inside you, making you scream.” She looks curious and a little excited. “If you’re looking for a night to remember then Hemy will give you just that. He f**ks like a rock star and he’s dirty as shit. He’ll give you anything you want. He holds nothing back in the sack.”

The brunette looks me up and down before fixing the top of her dress and nodding her head. “He’ll do just fine. It’s a shame you’re not up for the task, though. I had my tastes set on something. . .specific.”

“It is a f**king shame.” I pour her a shot of Vodka and slide it across the bar. “You’re a little too late, but the shot’s on me, sweetheart.”

I walk away and take a deep breath; a little pissed at myself for not even being the slightest bit turned on by her offer. A couple weeks ago, I would have taken her right here in front of Sarah and then let Sarah suck her taste off my cock.

Damn. This girl really did something to me.

Sarah rushes over to me and shoves my shoulder before slapping me with a towel. “Are you serious? I would have even f**ked that one. Are you sure you’re not sick?”

“Sarah. Leave his ass alone.”

I look up to see Cale step behind the bar, wiping down his sweaty chest with his shirt.

“How’s the new kid doing?”

Cale smirks while grabbing for a bottle of water. “I’m almost positive you two f**kers are related.” He opens the water and pours some over his face. “Are you sure Stone isn’t your long lost f**king brother? He’s a slightly smaller version of you, but with shorter hair and less tattoos. It’s a little f**king scary. It’s a lot like what you looked like when you were a suit.”

“Good. Then he can make up for your slack like I did.”

Cale punches my arm before pouring the rest of the water over his head. “She’s still eating at you, isn’t she?”

I ignore his question. “Have you heard from her yet?”

He shakes his head. “Nah, man. I haven’t heard shit.”

To be honest, I’m still a little pissed off at Cale for not telling me Aspen had a boyfriend the whole time. That ass**le knew we were f**king and he couldn’t even warn me? What happened to the bro code? I find that a little f**ked up and he knows that.

“Dude, stop looking at me like that. I told you it wasn’t my place to say shit. They were sort of on a break and plus you usually only f**k them one time and move on. I didn’t know you would fall for her.”

My jaw clenches from his words. I don’t like hearing that shit out loud. Even though she’s been on my mind constantly since she left, it really pisses me off that she has this effect on me. “Yeah, well neither did I.”

“Sorry, man.” Cale slaps my shoulder and starts backing away. “I’m sure she’ll come back as soon as that ass**le hurts her again.”

The thought of that ass**le even touching her makes me want to rip his f**king throat out. The thought of him hurting her, makes me want to kill him. She deserves to be treated like a f**king queen. She deserves to know that she’s wanted. That’s why I didn’t fight harder for her to stay. I was afraid I would never be able to give her that.

Seeing the person that I’ve become, I have begun to believe that maybe I could have been what she needs after all. Maybe a part of me knew and I was afraid I would fall too far and then f**k up and she would leave me. If she were here now, I know I would do everything in my power to make her mine. She makes me want to be a better man; makes me want to be the old me.

Once upon a time I actually cared about my image and the way I looked from another’s perspective. I would have never been caught dead working in a place like this, f**king every hot female with a wet pu**y waiting between her legs and drinking myself into my grave. I actually wanted to love and to be loved. I had it before but lost it and myself, but she makes me long to be that person again. She made me realize that sometimes you have to peel back the layers to discover who someone really is. Otherwise, you may miss a remarkable person.

* * *

It’s almost closing time and the only ones left in the bar besides me, Cale and Sarah is a small group of females that can’t keep their eyes off me or Cale. I recognize one of the girls, because I f**ked her in the back a couple months ago. Her eyes haven’t left me once since the crowd died down. It’s starting to get a little on the creepy side.

“Dude, that chick is all up on your shit hardcore.” Cale leans over the bar and starts wiping it down. “Are you sure you’re not down? We can make a great f**king time out of this.”

I look from Cale, over to the tatted up redhead whose eyes are practically f**king me. I’m definitely not down. I just don’t feel the need. “I’m good. They’re all yours, bro.”

All I want to do is get my ass out of here. It’s been a long ass day and I’m exhausted. The last thing I want to do is deal with some horny ass chick trying to get on my cock.

Just when I think the girls are finally going to get up and leave, I hear the door open and the sound of heels pounding on the marble flooring. The first thing I think is that another girl is joining the group of women that have been waiting impatiently for me and Cale to get off.