“I’m on birth control,” I say out of breath.

He pauses for a second, presses his lips against mine and then f**ks me so hard that I bite down onto his tongue. I suck it and he moans just before he pushes as deep as he can go and I feel him release his load inside me.

He holds me up against the wall, our lips twining as we both fight for air. Neither one of us speak. We don’t need to. We just bask in our release, enjoying this moment of peace.

After a few moments, he gently sets me down, steps out of his briefs and we shower together with him cleaning me. With him touching me all over it’s so hard to not want him back inside of me.

I can see it all over him too as he takes in my body with a look; as if he’s ready to back me against the wall and own me. This want is too great for me.

He leans over my shoulder and runs his lips up my neck, stopping just below my ear. “I want you to come for a ride with me after we shower. I have things I want to tell you.”

I nod my head and close my eyes as he attends to me.

I’m not used to this kind of treatment. I mean from anyone. Is this the way he always was before his life fell apart? Is this the person he has been fighting so hard to hide?

If so . . . then I’m in deep trouble.

Chapter Fifteen


I feel as if a f**king weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I’ve been fighting for so long, using every bit of strength I had to keep this shit inside; to not feel the guilt and pain of losing Helena and our baby. It’s been almost three years since the accident. It’s time I realize the pain will always be there. It’s either learn to live or don’t live at all. A part of me for the last week has been wanting to live. So, I think I’ll hold onto that and go with it.

I’m just throwing on my shirt, when the bedroom door opens and Cale steps inside. He looks a hot mess as if he didn’t sleep for shit. Not a pretty sight.

“Dude. What the f**k was all that noise a bit ago? You had some chick f**king screaming like mad in the shower. It woke my ass up and probably woke Aspen up. It’s too early for this shit.”

I raise an eyebrow at him while slipping on my Chucks and fastening my belt. “It was Aspen. Don’t worry, man. She’s perfectly f**king fine. Trust me.”

He takes a step back and scrunches his forehead up. “Whoa, man. What the f**k do you mean it was Aspen?” He takes quick steps in my direction and stops right in front of me. “That has to be a f**king joke. I know you f**ked her the other night. It never happens twice with you. Are you f**king with me?”

I place my hand on his shoulder and squeeze. “Nah, man. I’m not f**king with you.” I smile and slap him on the back, almost making him fall forward. “I’m taking her for a ride on my motorcycle and chilling for a bit before work.” I walk toward the door and stop to look back at him. “It’s a nice f**king day out. I don’t want to be cooped up inside.”

“What. The. Fuck.” He gives me a shocked ass look and runs his hands over his face really fast as if trying to wake himself up. “I must need to go back to sleep. I think I’m hearing things now.”

“Definitely not hearing things. Now get the f**k out of my room, mother f**ker.” I nod my head and laugh as he walks past me, keeping his eyes on me the whole time. He’s looking at me as if he’s waiting on something. I don’t have time for this shit. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Nothing. I’m just trying to wrap my head around this shit. Not only did Aspen let you f**k her more than once, but you wanted to.”

“All right, man. Well I don’t have time to stand here while you try to wrap your big head around this shit. I have to be at the club in three hours.” I walk past him and make my way down the stairs.

Right as I reach for my keys, Aspen steps out of Cale’s room, wearing a pair of faded jeans, a white tank top and some old Chucks.

All right. My kind of girl.

I grab her by the waist, pull her to me and suck her bottom lip into my mouth. She seems a little surprised at first, but eventually wraps her hands in the back of my hair and moans as I rub my hands up her sides.

I release her lip and look her up and down, taking all her raw sexiness in. “Shit, you’re so f**king sexy.” I press my lips against hers while backing her up against the door and cupping her ass in my hands. Right now, I just can’t keep my hands off of her. “Fuck, just one taste and I can’t get enough. I want f**king more of you.”

“Wow. I definitely was not expecting this shit. This is way f**ked up and unnatural. For the both of you.”

Aspen pulls her mouth away at the sound of Cale’s voice and clears her throat. She nervously looks me in the eyes and maneuvers her way out of my hold. “Umm . . . I’ll be back in a bit. Slade is just taking me on a ride.”

Cale lifts an eyebrow and leans against the couch. “You mean another one? Isn’t two enough?”

“Ha. Very funny, smartass.” Aspen shoots him an icy glare before reaching for the door handle and pushing me out of the way so she can walk outside.

I turn back to Cale and nod my head at him. “All right, man. We’re out. By the way, you can stop worrying about her. I know what the f**k I’m doing.”

He crosses his arms over his chest and stares at the door with a sullen expression. “Maybe it’s not her I’m worried about.” He turns and walks away without another word.

All f**king right . . .

When I get outside, Aspen is leaning against my motorcycle while staring down at her phone as if waiting on something. She shoves her phone in her pocket and smiles when she notices me watching her.

“You ready? Where are we going?” She’s looking at me as if she doesn’t know how to act around me. I don’t blame her. Right now, I’m probably confusing the shit out of her. She knows my f**king rules. She knows I broke those f**king rules . . . and for her. I wouldn’t know how to react either.

I walk over to my bike, grab my helmet and slip it on her head. There is something about a girl on the back of a motorcycle in jeans and a tank that is extremely sexy . . . or maybe it’s just her on the back of the motorcycle. Once the strap is fastened, I straddle my bike and grab her arm, pulling her on behind me. “Hold on tight.”

She wraps her arms around my waist and snuggles up close behind me. The unexplainable feeling I have with her against me doesn’t go unnoticed before I fire up the engine and take off.