“Come on, baby.” The guy ignores her and tightens his grip on her, pulling her down to his lap. This only pushes me further. “Look at that fine ass. I want it in my lap. We could go somewhere more private if you want.”

Swinging her arm back, she elbows him in the face and stomps on his foot. “I said, let go!”

The guy stands up, pushes her and grabs his nose that is now dispersing blood. “You f**king bitch. I will-”

Anger boiling up inside me, I reach for the back of the guy’s head and slam it down onto the bar beside him as hard as I can. The guy groans out in pain, obviously not expecting it as he reaches for his hair to try to release it from my tight grip.

Yeah, well suck on that, mother f**ker.

“Fucking touch her again and I will break both your f**king arms and make your small f**king dick unusable. Got it?” I lean in next to his ear and slam his head down onto the bar again to get my point across. Then I whisper, “Never touch what is mine again.”

I look up with the guy’s hair still wrapped in my hand and am not surprised to see all eyes on me as I stand there breathing heavily. It’s not often fights happen in here since the majority of population is women. My bad, but he f**king asked for it.

Aspen is looking at me with a heated look as if by hurting this prick turned her on. Well, f**k me. It turned me on too. I didn’t know she had it in her. I like seeing her hurt someone. It’s hot; especially, while she’s wearing that sexy little dress.

Licking my lips, I push the ass**le’s head down, release his hair and walk toward Aspen. Placing one hand on her hip, I look behind her right as her friend is approaching. “Aspen won’t be needing a ride.” I look up at Cale as he gives me a concerned look, just now realizing what happened. “Give me the f**king keys,” I growl out.

Digging in his pocket, he looks to Aspen. She doesn’t take notice because she’s too busy still looking at me with a very confused look on her face. She doesn’t know whether to slap me or jump on me and ride me. I’ll take either one. “What the f**k, man. You’re not even going to finish your shift?” He tosses me the keys, already knowing my answer, and I quickly reach out and catch them.

“Nope. I have better shit to do. Take care of this ass**le. Get him out of here.” Grabbing Aspen’s hand, I drag her past the curious crowd and out of the bar. Once outside I swing my truck door open, pick her up and set her inside.

She still hasn’t said a word and I know why. She knows she’s finally lost the war within herself. I’m about to f**k her and even she can’t deny the sexual tension between us. It needs to be dealt with and there is only one way; to f**k and to f**k hard.

The look that she’s giving me is enough to push me over the edge. I’m trying to be respectful, but I may just say f**k it and take her here and now before we can even make it back to the house.

Fuck me.

Chapter Eleven


Leaning against the side of the truck, I pull out a cigarette, light it and take a long drag. That mother f**ker is lucky I don’t go right back inside and shove my fist down his f**king throat. I never want to see that shit again. I can’t. I just f**king can’t.

I hear the sound of Aspen’s heels hit the pavement beside me, but right now I’m too pissed to even look up. I’m standing there staring at my f**king shoes, trying to keep my cool. If she opens her mouth right now, there’s a huge chance I will bend her over and f**k her right now. I have way too much shit going on in my head; not to mention that ass**le inside has just pushed me over the edge.

“Did you enjoy that?” Her voice comes out soft, but with a hint of anger. I’m not surprised. After what I did to her in front of everyone, I’m sure she wishes it were me she elbowed in the face. “You just can’t resist f**king with me and pushing my buttons, can you? I don’t get it.”

I take another drag, close my eyes and exhale. I need another moment before I even attempt to speak. Right now, I feel like a f**king animal released from its cage and about to pounce on its prey. The intensity of me wanting her is eating at me.

“You didn’t have to save me from that idiot. Besides, it looked like you were pretty busy over there trying to juggle the slut squad. I have a feeling you’re a damn pro at it by now.”

Okay. One more drag and I’m good to go.

I take one more hit, toss the cigarette down beside me and pin her against the side of my truck. She looks up at me with a shocked expression, but doesn’t say a word. Her eyes just keep jumping back and forth as I stare into them. “I did enjoy it.” I lean into her ear and rub my bottom lip up her neck. “Just admit it, you did too. You think you can hide it, but I can smell it all over you.” I slowly run my hand up the inside of her thigh, stopping below her panty line. “And feel it.”

I am not a patient man and I've been waiting too many days for this. She better be ready. I'm about to pour all my frustration into her body because she's the reason I'm about to explode.

“You can’t f**king hide it anymore and we both know it,” I growl. “You want to kick my ass and f**k me at the same time. Well guess what,” I whisper. “I’m f**king waiting.”

I hear her breathing pick up before she places her hands to my chest and pushes as hard as she can. It only makes her angrier when her shove has no effect on me. She leans her head against my truck and exhales. “How do you know it’s for you, huh?” I move my hand higher and cup her mound in my hand, causing her to close her eyes and moan out. “It could . . .” She moans again as I start rubbing her through the thin fabric. It’s getting hard for her to find her words now. I like that. “Be for someone else. How do you know,” she growls questioningly.

Sliding my finger under the fabric of her panties, I shove it into her very wet pu**y and grab the back of her neck. “This is how I know,” I assure her. “The way your breathing picks up and your body trembles under my touch.” I shove my finger deeper, causing her to raise her hips and thrust against my hand. “Do you feel that, Aspen? Your body is ready to be f**ked. It needs to be f**ked by me. No. One. Else.”

I grab both her hands and hold them above her head while pushing my thigh between her slightly parted legs. It feels so good between her thighs. So warm and . . . wet. “You want me to f**k you, baby?” I gently place my hand on her throat as I lean in and pull her bottom lip into my mouth and suck it, hard. She lets out a soft moan and nods her head as her lip slips from my grip. “Tell me you want me to f**k you. I want to f**king hear it.”