Page 59 of Faking the Play

“I found a bra on my desk and a used condom in the trash,” Ethan added. “Who the hell would have a party in our apartment while we were gone?”

“I want to know how they got in,” Ryan said. “I know we locked the door before we left and it was locked just now, so it’s not like someone broke in.”

I stared at both of them, wondering how they could be so clueless. “You guys really think that’s what’s going on here?” When they gave me blank looks, I gritted my teeth. “Amelia. The only time this has ever happened is right after we gave her a key to our place.”

“You think Amelia had a party?” Ethan laughed. “Come on, Logan. The only person who dislikes parties more than Amelia is Ryan.”

“I don’t think she had a bunch of people over,” I said. “But she partied all right.”

And then I held up the one thing I hadn’t left in my room.

“Is that Jason Hunn’s student ID?” Ethan asked. “Why do you have that?”

“It was in my room,” I said. “On the floor, like it would’ve been if it had fallen out of someone’s wallet while they were getting a condom.”

Ryan shook his head. “Amelia would never have let Jason in here. And she definitely wouldn’t have let him hook up with Megan in your room.”

I blew out a long rush of air and resisted the urge to call him stupid. He wasn’t, but right now he was definitely acting like it, not wanting to see the truth even though it was right in front of him.

“Jason wasn’t here with Megan. He was here with Amelia,” I said.

“No.” Ethan shook his head emphatically. “She’d never cheat on us and she sure as hell wouldn’t go back to him.”

“Yeah, that’s what my dad thought about my mom and her ex from high school,” I said. “She has a key and knew we’d be gone. It’s a great apartment, not like that dorm room she shares with her former best friend.”

“Lia wouldn’t.” Ryan’s words were firm, but I could see the doubt in his eyes. “We know her.”

I shook my head. “We knew who she was as a kid. And then we ghosted her for seven years. That’s a lot of time to build up some serious anger toward us. And what better way to get back at us than to make us care about her and then fuck her boyfriend all over our home?”

Neither one of them looked like they wanted to believe me, but then we heard the front door open and a familiar voice call out for us.

Pushing off the wall, I clenched my jaw. “I guess we’ll just go ask her and find out.”

Chapter thirty-two


Ireally didn’t like away games, especially ones where the guys were playing two nights in a row. Fortunately, this three-day trip had been the only one of its kind. Some sort of makeup game or something like that. Whatever it was, I didn’t want to go that long away from the guys ever again. Sure, there’d been times I’d gone a couple days without spending a lot of time with them, but I’d always seen them around on campus. And I always knew they were right there if I needed them.

For the past three days though, they hadn’t been nearby, and it had been the longest three days of my life. Well, the longest since we’d stopped being friends. Those had been some long and lonely nights.

This time, I’d tried to keep myself busy so I didn’t constantly check my phone or bombard them with texts while they were trying to concentrate, but it had been hard. I’d planned on surprising them, but I saw the bus leaving the stadium while I was on my way over and realized they’d gotten back sooner than they thought. While surprising them had been a fun idea, I was just glad they were home.

Using the key Logan had given me—the memory made my heart flutter—I let myself into the apartment.

“Guys? Logan? Ethan? Ryan?” I called their names as I closed the door behind me and came a few steps further into the apartment.

As I looked around, I realized that something had happened since I’d left here late last night. The place was a disaster. For one wild moment, I wondered if they’d gotten back even earlier than I realized, and hadn’t told me so they could have some big party, but I dismissed that thought even as it came into my head. Even if they hadn’t wanted to tell me the moment they got back, it would’ve been because they wanted to decompress or take naps or something, not have a party.

I beamed as I saw the guys coming down the hallway. “Hey, do you need a hand cleaning up? What happened here?”

“Don’t bother,” Logan snapped. “We know it was you.”

Startled by his tone, it took a second for his words to register. “What was me?”

“This.” He gestured toward the living room and kitchen. “And all the shit we found in our rooms.”

I frowned. “Someone trashed your rooms? And you think I had something to do with it?”