Page 51 of Faking the Play

Going out to a bar wasn’t usually my favorite way to unwind and this past week had been seriously stressful, but when Ethan had suggested that we celebrate taking Jason down, and Amelia had liked the idea, nothing could’ve kept me from going too.

Now, as I made my way through the crowd to the table Ethan had grabbed, I wondered how long we’d have to stay before we could take Amelia back home to celebrate privately. After the four of us spent that explosive night together, I’d been looking forward to the chance to do it again, and I knew the others were too. Tonight seemed like as good a time as any.

“Here.” I set all four drinks down on the table and slid into the booth next to Logan.

Amelia took a sip of her drink, her eyes widening as she let out a soft moan that had my cock pressing uncomfortably against the front of my jeans. Judging by the way the guys shifted in their seats, they had the same problem. It didn’t matter that Amelia wore a pair of jeans and a simple fitted sweater thatbrought out the blue in her eyes. She turned me on just by existing. Always had.

“This is amazing,” Amelia said, taking another long drink from her straw.

She sucked hard enough for her cheeks to hollow out and I heard Ethan mutter a curse that I mentally echoed. Apparently clueless about how she looked and sounded, she began humming while she finished every drop of the Fuzzy Navel I’d ordered for her. As she leaned back, smacking her lips together like she’d just had the most delicious thing in the world, the three of us stared at her.

After a moment, she realized what we were doing and her cheeks turned pink. “What?”

“I’ve seen porn less erotic than watching you drink that,” Logan said.

“I’m pretty sure my dick is going to have imprints from my zipper,” Ethan announced, not even trying to keep his voice down.

“Ethan!” Amelia hissed as she elbowed him in the stomach hard enough for him to let out a rush of air.

“Ow.” He rubbed at the spot she’d hit. “You still have bony elbows.”

“And you still have a loud mouth,” she shot back.

“Come on, baby, you know you love my mouth.” He grinned, wiggling his tongue at her.

“You’re an ass.” She shoved at his shoulder, but laughed while she did it.

“You love my ass too,” Ethan said, leaning closer.

Amelia squealed, pushing herself into Logan who sat on her other side. He wrapped his arms around her and pressed his cheek to hers.

“Don’t worry. I’ll protect you from him.” He didn’t talk as loudly as Ethan, but he wasn’t exactly being quiet either.

“What about you, Ryan?” she asked, giving me a flirty look even though she was snuggled up to Logan. “Will you protect me from Ethan?”

“Hey!” Ethan pretended to be offended. “What did I do?”

“You said my elbows were bony,” she reminded him.

“Logan, help a guy out here,” Ethan said. “Her elbowsarebony.”

“Dude, you don’t tell the girl you’re with thatanythingabout her is bony,” Logan said, shaking his head.

“Doesn’t matter,” I said, setting down my beer after a long drink.

Three sets of eyes turned in my direction.

“What?” Logan asked for all of them.

“It doesn’t matter if her elbows are bony,” I said. My eyes locked with Amelia’s. “Everything about her is perfect.”

“What the hell are you drinking?” Ethan asked after pausing for a moment. “And can I have some?”

I rolled my eyes. “Just because you keep sticking your foot in your mouth doesn’t mean all of us have to act like idiots.”

Another moment of silence and then Amelia snorted a laugh. She clapped a hand over her mouth but couldn’t quite stop us from hearing her giggles.

A middle-aged man with a ponytail gave her an amused look as he set down a plate of food in the center of the table.