Ryan wrapped one arm around my waist and the other around my shoulders, pulling me up onto my knees, my back against his front, his cock pressed against my skin. He turned us to face Logan and Ethan, then pressed a kiss to the side of my throat.
“This is going to be quick, Lia. Watching you with them while I can still taste you on my tongue—” He squeezed one of my breasts. “Sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.”
Keeping one arm around me to hold me upright, he used the other to get himself into position before burying that thick cock of his as deep as he could go. I whimpered, too far gone to make any louder sound. He set a brutal pace, driving up into me even as he slid his free hand around to slip his finger between my lips and rub my swollen clit. Rough circles around and over. His massive hand tightening on my breast until I knew I’d havefingerprints in the tender flesh there. And that impossibly wide shaft stretching me almost to the point of pain.
This wasn’t the easy riding I’d done when we went hiking. The gentle rolling motions that had given me a wonderful and intense climax.
No, this was definitely fucking. Hard and fast until I couldn’t breathe and spots danced in front of my eyes. Until my vision started to go gray and my pussy reached the point where that line between pain and pleasure started to tip.
And then Ryan’s voice was in my ear.
“Come on my cock, Lia. Show Ethan and Logan how much you like being taken like this. Come harder than you’ve ever come before. Scream for us like a good girl.”
Just when I thought I wasn’t going to be able to do what he wanted, that I’d fall the wrong way and it would just be pain and I’d ruin everything, he shocked me by lightly pinching my clit.
I did what he ordered. I screamed and I came harder than I’d ever come before. And just before the darkness took me, I felt Ryan jerk inside me, groaning my name. I let everything go dark, knowing that I was safe with them, and that when I woke up, they’d be there.
Chapter twenty-six
Iglanced at my phone for the fifth time since I’d arrived at the little off-campus café, but the person I was meeting still had ten minutes before the time we’d agreed to meet.
I considered getting another drink, but the way my leg was bouncing up and down told me it was probably a good idea to cut out any additional caffeine. I’d practically been guzzling it nonstop over the past two days, and I’d be paying for it sooner rather than later. I had no regrets. It was the only way I’d found the energy to keep up with school, football, and my research into Jason Hunn.
Amelia had told Ethan and me about what happened with Jason and, like Ryan, we had assured her that we’d protect her from him. I had no doubt the other guys meant what they said, but they both struggled more with school than I did, and this week had been a busy one. Rather than waiting for them, I’d taken matters into my own hands. They’d probably be pissed when they found out, but if I had something we could use against Jason, they’d forgive me.
And at six thirty this morning, right before practice, I had found something.
One of Jason’s classes last year had been on social media’s impact on modern communication. I’d taken the same thing the semester before him, and I remembered that we were required to maintain a blog where we had to post two opinion pieces a week, one on something political or social and the other on something in pop culture.
I was no computer genius, but I had picked up a thing or two from Darak and it paid off big time when I found the personal blog of a local Fort Collins resident who had three posts that were virtually identical to posts from Jason’s blog. I’d contacted the author right after practice and they had agreed to meet me here.
Just when I was getting ready to check the time again, a stocky guy in his late twenties came into the café, looking around like he was searching for someone. Taking a guess that this was my guy, I raised a hand.
He hurried over, pushing back his unkempt dark hair. “Hey. Whew. I didn’t realize I wouldn’t recognize you right away since I watch all of CSU’s games and follow your career, but context, you know?” He plopped down in the chair across from me and let out a sigh.
“Carl Aames?” I asked. I didn’t want to assume and end up talking with a fan instead of the guy I was here to see.
“Oh, yeah, sorry.” He held out his hand. “Carl Aames.”
I shook his hand and then got down to business. “I need to talk to you about a few of your blog posts. They sounded an awful lot like some posts I saw on another blog, one a guy I know did for school.” I took a beat to watch how Carl reacted to what I said. He shifted in his seat, but didn’t say anything, so I continued, “Do you know Jason Hunn?”
Carl’s face went white, then red. “I don’t know what he told you, but I told him that was a one-time thing. I needed money last year for some personal debts, and I was desperate. I’m sorry if you thought I could—”
“I’m not here to pay you to do work for me,” I cut in. “Jason’s not my friend. He’s made some accusations about a friend of mine, specifically that she’s stolen work from him.”
Carl barked a bitter laugh. “That bastard’s never done a day of honest work in his life.”
And there it was, what I’d suspected since that confrontation with Jason and Megan at the dorm. Not only was Jason lying about Amelia—which I’d never doubted—buthewas guilty of academic dishonesty. I didn’t know how much, but I intended to find out. And get the evidence to prove it.
“So he bought a few articles from you?” I needed to hear him say it.
“Four,” Carl said. “And I told him I still planned on polishing them up a bit and using them on my blog. They were ones I’d already written, and he said he didn’t have the time to wait for me to write new ones.”
“What did he say when you told him you were going to post those articles?”
“He didn’t care. Just asked me to wait a couple weeks since his class would be done by then and his professor wouldn’t be checking for plagiarism anymore.”