Page 47 of Faking the Play

“Uh-huh,” I said as I nodded. “Why are you guys staring at me?”

Ethan grinned. “We’re gonna rock your world, baby. Don’t want you to miss a second of that.”

Something squeezed my heart. A part of me had worried that sleeping with the guys would change how they were around me, and not in a good way. I’d feared we would lose the humor we shared, that I’d be self-conscious, policing everything I did andsaid so I didn’t look silly or awkward. But Ethan was teasing the same way he always had.

Well, notexactlythe same since he’d always done it with clothes on before, but the point was that he hadn’t become this serious person.

“I’m all for having my world rocked,” I said. “But you guys are going to have to help me a bit because I don’t know how do this with this many people.”

“Do what feels good,” Logan said. “And we’ll do the same.”

“And if anything doesn’t feel good, or you don’t want to do it, just tell us,” Ethan added.

“We’ll do the same,” Ryan promised. “But unless you’re into seriously weird shit, I’m pretty sure we’ll like anything that gets your hands or mouth on us.”

It should’ve felt awkward, talking like this when we were naked and the guys were hard and my muscles were still quivering from coming so hard—

“You’re doing it again,” Logan said.

“Stop thinking so much,” Ethan said.

I looked up at Ethan. “Then you should give me something else to think about, shouldn’t you?”

He raised an eyebrow and leaned down to brush his lips across mine. “You go right ahead and scream my name when I make you come, all right?”

With all the grace he expressed on the field, he managed to flip me onto my stomach and get back between my legs before I could do anything but turn my head so I didn’t go face-first into the mattress. I opened my mouth to say something about him manhandling me, but all the words in my head turned to a loud cry when he drove into me without any warning.

Spots danced in front of my eyes and my lungs burned as I tried to catch my breath, but Ethan never gave me the chance. Grabbing onto my hips, he pulled back until just the tip stayedinside me, then slammed into me again. No pause to let me adjust to the way he stretched me. Just pleasure edged with pain each time he filled me completely.

I’d never thought of myself as someone who enjoyed anything remotely hinting at discomfort when it came to sex, but I couldn’t deny the intensity that came with not quite being able to breathe correctly, the bruising force of his hips colliding with my ass as he rode me.

And then there were Logan and Ryan. Even with my eyes closed, I knew they were there. I ignored the twist of guilt that came with the realization that I enjoyed knowing they were watching, that this turned them on. I reminded myself that this wasn’t something I’d asked of them, or something they were reluctant to do. It was their idea, and they had made it clear that they liked the thought of sharing me like this. If they changed their minds, they would say something. I needed to trust that.

As if they sensed that I needed reassurance of their enthusiasm for what we were doing, two hands brushed against me. It took barely a touch for me to understand that it wasn’t one of them with both hands on me, but rather each of them using one. The slick sound of skin on skin finally registered and I realized that as their hands moved over my shoulders and slid down my spine, their other hands were busy with their dicks.

One hand moved under me to tweak the nipple that Logan had bitten a short while ago and suddenly I was coming, my climax hitting me without warning. Ethan cursed as my muscles clamped down on him, and I felt a sting on my ass as his palm made contact. That just made me come harder, a wordless keen escaping my lips as he struggled to push into me, to take those last few strokes he needed to tip himself over the edge.

He spilled into me with a cry, his body dropping onto my back as he kept himself buried deep. My own arms gave out, but I didn’t fall. Other hands moved over me, soothing me until thetrembling stopped and Ethan pulled out of me with a groan. He rolled off to the side, and with his weight off of me, I managed to take a deep breath.

A hand cupped my chin and raised my head while another hand pushed the hair back from my face.

“You ready to take me?” Logan asked, his thumb resting on the corner of my mouth.

I nodded, not yet recovered enough to speak, but enough to know what I wanted. My pussy throbbed, aching to be filled again, and I knew that I wouldn’t be satisfied until all three of these men—mymen—had found release with me. I enjoyed individual sex, and I’d want that again, I was sure, but all of us together like this was what made this sharing idea real to me.

As Logan moved around behind me, Ryan helped me get up on my hands and knees.

“I wanna see those pretty tits of yours jiggle when Logan fucks you,” he said, his gray eyes darkened from ice to smoke. “Then we’re gonna put on a show for them.”

I didn’t know what to say to that—this talkative-during-sex Ryan took some getting used to—but I didn’t worry about that for more than a couple seconds because I felt the blunt head of Logan’s cock nudging at my entrance. He eased inside with a little more patience than Ethan had demonstrated, but he didn’t pause, just did a long, slow slide until he hit a place deep inside me that Ethan hadn’t quite gotten to. I inhaled sharply, but didn’t ask him to stop. I didn’t want any of them to stop, not when they were making good on their promise to rock my world.

Logan fucking me this way felt as much like a dance as the last time we were together, only we found our rhythm faster this time. I moved back against him, reveling in the way he kept running his hand up and down my spine even as his cock moved in and out of me, like he needed to have some other part of his body touching mine. Despite Ryan in front of me, watching mewith that intent gaze of his, I lost myself in Logan, letting our dance go faster and harder until I found myself back at the peak and ready to jump over the edge.

His fingers tangled in my hair and he pulled my head back—the sting in my scalp mixed with the pressure building from each consistent stroke, and I flew. I cried out his name and his hips stuttered against me before he thrust into me twice and held himself there. His cock pulsed inside me, emptying into me the same way Ethan had, the same way Ryan would, and sent a new shiver of pleasure through me. The moment Logan’s grip on my hair loosened, I dropped down to the mattress, my muscles twitching as my nerves tried to get back some semblance of normalcy.

Ryan didn’t give them the chance.

Only moments after Logan withdrew, staggering back to drop down next to Ethan, Ryan was behind me. I waited, limbs weak, for him to position me how he wanted me. There was something to be said for manhandling when you’d been fucked so hard that your body didn’t want to work right.