Page 38 of Faking the Play

I’d seen the frustration on his face as he drove us back to school, but he hadn’t wanted to talk about it, and I hadn’t pushed. Mia’s behavior wasn’t out of character, and Ethan had to deal with it however it worked for him.

By the time we got back to campus, we needed to go our separate ways to get caught up on the things we’d missed during the hours we’d been gone, but I had texted him a couple times throughout the day, just to check in.

We’d both been busy enough over the next couple days that texting was all I’d been able to do with all three of the guys. With football season really kicking off in earnest, I knew that our time would have to be more spread out, but it didn’t make them miss me any less, or think about them any less.

Which meant they were on my mind as I walked toward the Lory Student Center, and the moment my phone rang, I grabbed it from the front pocket of my purse, thinking it was one of the guys. The name on the screen, however, was Dr. Isenberg.

“Dr. Isenberg.” I kept my voice cheery despite my disappointment. “Good afternoon.”

“Good afternoon, Miss Fine.” His tone was calm and even, but there was a stiffness to it that immediately made my stomach sink. “I’ve just spoken with Mr. Hardwicke and Ms. Smythe from the ethics committee.”

I stopped walking, frozen to the sidewalk as I waited to hear the verdict that would make or break my career before it even began.

“They’ve determined that neither of us have done anything unethical and are ruling that we haven’t violated any university policies.”

I closed my eyes as relief washed over me. Tears burned my eyelids and I had to clear my throat before speaking. “That’s great.”

“They’re recommending that there be no further investigation or penalties.”

My gut twisted as I identified a new note in his voice. He sounded apologetic.

“However, the department head and I have met, and came to the mutual consensus that it would be best for all involved if you were to step away from your TA position.”

He was firing me. Of course, he wasn’t using that word, because if he did, I could argue that they didn’t have the cause to terminate my employment. No, they were going to go with “it would be best” and have me be the one to make the decision.

“They assured me that none of this will affect your graduate application,” Dr. Isenberg hurried to add. “The assumption is that whoever posted those inflammatory things made up all ofthe accusations, as there have been no indications that you’ve been involved in any sort of academic dishonesty.”

He went on for a few more minutes, droning on about how I wouldn’t have to worry about being expelled and how everyone believed that I did all of my own work, but that I did need to understand the need to protect the department from even the appearance of wrongdoing.

I let it all wash over me because I didn’t need to hear all the excuses or the bullshit. I’d turn in my resignation, because I always did the right thing and because me staying on as his TA would bring the wrong sort of attention to the school. Besides, the last thing I wanted to do was spend my last year as an undergrad butting heads with people in the department I wanted to be a part of. And despite Dr. Isenberg’s assurances, I didn’t believe that none of this would affect my admission to graduate school. If I did as they asked, I hoped that would be what they remembered when they looked over my application.

When Dr. Isenberg finally stopped his monologuing, I cut in to end the conversation before I said something I would regret. I liked to think I had quite a bit of self-control, but even I had my limits.

“I’ll have my resignation on your desk first thing in the morning,” I said. “Unless you would prefer I mail it to prevent anyone from making any assumptions about why I’d be at your office before your usual office hours.”

If there was a bit of bite in my words, I didn’t apologize for it. I figured I’d earned that at the very least.

“Either one is acceptable,” he said. The hint of annoyance in his words said that he heard just how unhappy I was with how things had gone.

And if I was being completely honest with myself, I didn’t give a damn. This man had been my mentor for the past three years, and I’d worked my ass off to make him proud. Now, it soundedlike he hadn’t fought for me at all. His only concern had been covering his own ass. Yes, he’d been a victim in this too, and it wasn’t his fault that Jason was a vindictive bastard, but I didn’t deserve any of this either.

“I’ll have it to you in the morning,” I said again. “Have a good evening.”

I ended the call and didn’t care if I’d been rude. I’d had my fill of bending over backward for people who clearly didn’t care about me. I started for the Lory Student Center again, deciding that I would pick up something sweet along with my lunch. After that conversation, I’d earned an indulgent dessert.

Just as I reached the glass doors, I saw that my bad day wasn’t over yet. Coming toward me—and too close to avoid without looking like I was avoiding him—was Jason. With a sigh, I braced myself and opened the door. A part of me hoped he’d be too interested in his phone to notice me, but I wasn’t that lucky.

“Amelia.” A cruel light shone in his eyes even as a smile curved his lips. “All alone, I see.”

“You too,” I shot back as I tried to walk past him. “I thought you and Megan were joined at the hip these days.”

He shrugged and stepped between me and where I wanted to go. “I know I can trust her around other guys.”

“We both know that I didn’t cheat on you,” I said, gritting my teeth.

“Maybe,” he said. “But you can’t say that now, can you?”

As much as I just wanted to push him aside, I knew he wasn’t going to let me go until he said whatever it was he wanted to say.