He shrugged. “You try to say no while she’s grabbing your dick. I try to be a good guy, but no one’s that fucking good. Not when she’s stone-cold sober and standing there in these fuckinglittle panties and telling you…” His mouth snapped shut and he shook his head. “Nope. If she tells you, that’s fine, but I ain’t giving the details without her okay.”
“Well, I’m claiming the next date,” I said.
“That’s fine with me,” Logan said. “As long as it’s my turn eventually.”
“You seem pretty confident that she’s going to go for it,” I said. “Other than kissing us, has she said or done something that makes you think she’ll be open to something like this?”
“Not exactly,” he admitted. “But ever since we kissed, I’ve been thinking about the first time we all kissed her.”
I hadn’t thought about it in years, but the memory came rushing back now. “The treehouse.”
“Yeah, that last weekend before football camp,” Ryan said.
“The last time the four of us hung out together,” Logan added. “Because we turned into jerks and basically ignored her after we got back.”
We were barely teens at the time, but we were old enough to want to kiss girls instead of ignoring most of them. Amelia was the only girl we’d been around much, and she seemed just as curious as the three of us. So that last evening, we were up in the treehouse one of Logan’s parents had bought for him, and Logan had started talking about kissing and how we should practice.
“She was my first kiss,” I said.
“Mine too,” Logan said.
We looked at Ryan who just nodded.
“First time I ever touched a boob too,” I admitted. “Hell, it was the only one I touched for years.”
“By the time Irene McTavish let me feel her up after the homecoming dance when we were sophomores, I was convinced I was gonna die a virgin.” Logan chuckled. “She had some great breasts.”
“You think that because Amelia let us all kiss her when we were like thirteen, fourteen, that means she’s going to want to have a relationship with the three of us?” Ryan asked. “We were barely kids fooling around.”
“I don’t know,” Logan said. “But she didn’t act like it was weird back then, so I guess I’m hoping she’ll think of this the same way.”
“I guess there’s only one way to find out,” I said. “We gotta take that leap of faith.”
“As long as we’re all agreed that this won’t ruin our friendships with her or each other, no matter what happens,” Logan said.
The three of us agreed, and then Logan and Ryan headed out to the kitchen to make themselves something to eat. I followed a little slower, wondering if we were going to be able to keep our promises to each other or if we’d just made a huge mistake.
Chapter fifteen
Going on a date with Ethan was nothing like going on a date with Ryan. Their personalities were so different to begin with that it didn’t really surprise me. What did surprise me was that, despite parties not really being my preferred activity, I didn’t protest when Ethan asked if our date could be the party the football team was having after their game. Maybe it was because I knew that if I didn’t want to go to the party, it’d be at least a week before I’d have the chance to go out with him, or maybe I didn’t mind parties as much when I knew he’d be with me the whole time.
Things got off to a great start when he knocked on my door five minutes before he said he’d be here to pick me up, and they got even better when I opened the door and found him standing there with a bouquet of daisies. Not only were they my favorite flowers, but they matched the ones on the pink halter I wore.
“You look great,” he said as he leaned down to give me a chaste kiss on the cheek.
I tried not to feel too disappointed that he hadn’t gone for a real kiss, but as I took the flowers to put them in some water,I reminded myself that our kiss at his place had been during a game, and we’d never talked about it. He was clearly trying to be a gentleman and not make assumptions.
“Ready?” He held out his hand and I took it, letting him thread his fingers between mine.
His hands were different from Ryan’s. Not smaller, exactly, but a little thinner. Sort of like how Ryan had bulky muscle and Ethan’s body was leaner. But still appealing.
Okay, more than appealing. Both of them were hot. And so was Logan.
Which made me a horrible person.
“Everything all right?” Ethan asked as we got into his car.