Stacey laughed as she bumped me with her hip. “Okay. I’m just saying that this thing with Zayne isn’t rocket science. It’s not as if Danika is setting you up or something and Zayne—” she lowered her voice “—hetouchedyou in a totally nonplatonic manner. It’s simple. Go for it.”
Go for it.
I shook my head even as my heart started pounding. “It’s complicated.”
“No, it’s not.” Stopping in front of the bio door, her eyes widened. “I have the most perfect idea ever in the history of ideas.”
I arched a brow. Coming from Stacey, that was kind of scary and probably involved the potential for jail time. “What?”
“You know how you totally set up Sam and me for the movies over Thanksgiving break?” Her eyes glimmered with excitement. “You should invite Zayne and make it clear—a movie date.”
“Movie date?” drawled a deep voice. We turned to see Roth smirking down at us. “How cute. Who’s going to be paying for popcorn?”
Irritation pricked at my skin as I stared into his mocking amber eyes. The fact that I hadn’t noticed that he was near was testament to how discombobulated I was. Heck, I was so out of it that I was using words likediscombobulated.“Eavesdropping is rude.”
He shrugged a shoulder. “Blocking the door to class is also rude.”
“Whatever.” I turned, ready to usher Stacey inside, when he stopped me.
“Actually, I want to borrow you for a second,” he said, glancing at Stacey, who was in the process of giving him a very scary evil eye. “If that’s okay with you?”
Stacey folded her arms. “I doubt she wants to be borrowed by you.”
“Truest thing ever spoken,” I said, smiling tightly.
“I think she’ll change her mind.” Roth stared at me meaningfully. “It’simportant.”
Which meant Lilin or demon or Warden or something else I really didn’t want to deal with. I sighed as I stepped to the side. Stacey gaped at me, and I winced. “It’s okay.”
She narrowed her eyes at Roth. “Don’t make me hate you more.”
Roth’s brows rose as she stalked into bio class. “What did you tell her about me?”
I shrugged. “Actually, I didn’t tell her much of anything. She must’ve put two and two together all on her own and come up with you being a jerk face.”
His gaze slid back to me and he grinned. “Ouch, shortie.”
“Yeah, like that really bothered you.” I glanced back through the small window in the door that led to bio. Mr. Tucker was already at his desk—was Mrs. Cleo ever coming back?—and we only had a minute, tops, before the tardy bell rang. “What did you want?”
Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a thin slip of yellow paper, waving it in my face. “Guess what I found?”
“Obviously not a better personality,” I remarked.
“Ha. Funny.” He brushed the edge of the paper across my nose and smiled when I smacked it away. “I got Dean’s home address.”
“Oh. Wow. That was quick.”
“It was.”
I didn’t want to ask how he’d gotten it. I was sure it involved him waltzing into the main office and doing something unsavory. I reached for the address, but he snatched his hand away. I frowned. “I need the address so Zayne and I can go check it out.”
“You and Stony?” Roth laughed as he slipped the paper back in his pocket.
My eyes narrowed. “Yes.”
“You think you’re going to have fun without me? Think again. We’re going to have a threesome.” He grinned wickedly when I rolled my eyes. “Today. After school. You and your gargoyle boy toy can meet me outside.”
I wanted to say no, but he winked at me and patted his pocket as he turned and headed into bio.