Page 151 of Stone Cold Touch

I sat on the edge of the couch, clasping my hands together.

Roth lingered by the stone gas fireplace. “Want to be naughty and make out on their couch?”

My mouth dropped open.

“Or we can do it on the kitchen counters.” He winked. “Of course, bedrooms would not only make us naughty, but also very dirty.”

Heat swept over my cheeks, and he laughed. “You should see the look on your face.”

“You’re a pervert,” I said, fighting a grin.

Roth shrugged. “Of all the things someone could call me, that’s hardly the worst.”

“And probably the most true,” I muttered.

He laughed again.

From the front of the house I heard the front door open and I lurched to my feet. I started forward, but Roth beat me to it. He was at the entrance to the living room before I’d taken a step.

Stacey shrieked out in the hallway. “What the—? Roth, you scared the crap out of me!”

“Sorry,” he drawled smoothly.

“Where have you been? Where’s Layla? How did you...?” She trailed off as she appeared in the doorway.

I smiled when I saw her, suddenly weak in the legs. It was relief...sweet, beautiful relief. Her aura was there, like it had always been—a soft shade of green. Not a pure soul by any means, but she was okay. I didn’t understand how since I’d been in constant contact with her, but she was normal and that was all that mattered.

Her backpack thumped off the floor as she spotted me. “Oh my God, Layla, where have you been? I’ve been so worried!” She rushed forward, but I raised a hand, warding her off. She stopped short. “What?”

“Don’t come too close. I’m...well, I’m not sure it would be safe for you to do so.”

She frowned as she glanced at Roth and then me. “Why wouldn’t it be safe to be near you? And where in the Hell have you been? Everyone has been worried. Sam thinks you got kidnapped by those Church people and Zayne has been—”

“What about him?” Roth cut in, stepping close to Stacey. His voice had dropped. Tension dripped off him.

Stacey’s eyes widened as she took a step back. She swallowed hard. “He’s stopped over a few times, asking if I’ve heard from Layla. That’s all.”

My heart pounded against my ribs like a wild animal trying to escape a cage. “How...did he seem okay?”

She looked even more confused by the question. “He seemed normal. Just really worried and upset. Like me.” Her eyes darted over to Roth. “What’s going on, guys?”

“When was the last time Zayne came by here?” The fact that Roth wasn’t referring to him as Stony proved the direness of the situation.

“He stopped by yesterday, around this time. He’s been stopping by every day since—”

Roth swore as he turned to me. “I told you this was a bad idea. We need to leave.”

“Wait!” she screeched, stomping her foot. “No one is leaving until someone tells me what is going on!”

“We have time,” I told Roth. “No one is busting down the doors right now.”

“Yeah, right now.” He faced me, shoulders stiff. “I know you don’t want to think this and while I don’t think he would intentionally ever harm you, I can’t say the same for the others who’ll follow him. Who’ve probably been following him every time he comes here.”

“I do think that, Roth. I’m not stupid. I know we need to leave soon, but Stacey deserves to know what’s going on.”

“Damn straight,” she piped up. “Crown Prince or not, how about sitting down and shutting the Hell up?”

Roth’s brows climbed his forehead and then he laughed. “It’s a good thing I like you.”