Marcus’s breath hitched. He canted his hips and Roman slid a knee between his thighs.
“…and on his dick before I cut it off.”
Marcus lost his balance. Roman was right there to catch him. He didn’t just catch him. He shoved his hands into Marcus’s pants and grabbed a hold of him.
He jerked when Roman’s cold hands wrapped around his cock. A squeak slipped from his lips. He tightened his arms around Roman’s neck. Not once did he try to push him off. He welcomed the touch, wishing it would banish these dark cravings he had.
Except Roman’s touch was fanning the flames. He didn’t just fuel the fire, he was spreading it. What had only been a small spark in Marcus’s belly was now an inferno devouring his mind, turning it into a mush of rot.
Roman sealed his lips on the side of Marcus’s neck. He sucked and licked the sensitive skin. Marcus tried only once to wiggle away. He let out a moan he didn’t recognize as himself. He tilted his head, offering more of himself to Roman. Roman was obliged, licking and biting upward to Marcus’s ear. He changed direction, heading along Marcus’s jawline. He came close to Marcus’s mouth.
Hesitance. Perhaps even a little fear he might scare Marcus off.
But Marcus was drowning in this dark desire. His brain was pumped full of toxic waste. It was a junkie for this. It craved what was destroying it.
That’s when he didn’t just ignore the small voice of reason in the back of his head. He threw it into the basement, poured gasoline on it, and set it aflame before locking the door.
Roman’s kiss was anything but frenzied. He took his time laying his soft lips against Marcus’s. He tongue asked for entrance. Marcus couldn’t deny it. He parted his lips, hungry for what Roman had to offer.
But Roman was in no hurry. Even his hand on Marcus’s cock had slowed to a torturous stroke.
Roman fucked Marcus’s mouth tenderly like Marcus was something fragile. Marcus keened like a cat in heat. He wanted more. He was begging for it, but no matter how much he did, Roman didn’t give it up.
He laughed. Fuckinglaughedinto Marcus’s mouth.
He pulled away, still grinning while Marcus surely looked fucked out of his mind.
“You’re just starving aren’t you?”
And in Roman’s eyes, Marcus only saw endearment.
Before Marcus could answer, Roman was kissing him again. As the snow continued to melt and Michael’s corpse lay buried near them, Roman brought Marcus to another mind-breaking climax.
“Please,stop looking like you shit your pants.”
Burns shot Mercer a glare. Hedidstop staring at Cortez with wide-eyes and an open mouth which he thought in retrospect, probably did look like he’d shit himself.
Mercer had the gall to smile right back. It was short-lived when Cortez made his rounds around the room. He didn’t notice Mercer or Burns which suited them just fine. If Cortez even looked their way, it meant their under cover investigation already had holes in it and they were about to sink.
Mercer pulled Burns away from the refreshment table. More people mingled by it and they wouldn’t be able to talk privately if they were surrounded by people.
That was the reason anyway that Burns thought Mercer wanted to get away. However, that reason was thrown out the window when Mercer lead themcloserto Cortez.
Burns put up resistance, but he didn’t want to make a scene so he tried to be as discrete as possible.
“What are you doing?” He hissed hopefully under his breath. No one was looking at them. No one seemed to notice them at all yet it felt like they were being watched.
Mercer kept heading in Cortez’s direction without a hint of hesitance. He kept his gaze forward, almost like he was ignoring Burns. It wouldn’t have surprised Burns in the slightest. Mercer didn’t care about him or his opinion. He did things the way he wanted and fucked anyone who tried to stop him.
The irritation Burns felt from being ignored and from being disrespected from earlier was growing. He couldn’t let it manifest further though. He needed to keep a clear head as it was too late to back out of this crazy plan of Mercer’s.
Just when Burns thought Mercer was going to lead them straight toward Cortez, they walked right past the man and into the next room.
Burns let out a huge sigh of relief. He’d even started to sweat when they drew too close to the man they were here for.
Burns looked at Mercer to hopefully understand what his aim was. He was more than pissed off that Mercer looked like he was laughing to himself.