Roman’s brows furrowed. The pure rage that had burst out of him like a wild animal was pushed away to make room for curiosity. Marcus wiggled to get away, but the second he moved, Roman pounced on top of him.

“I’ll rip your face up with my teeth if you don’t stay still.”

Marcus stilled.

The order bled from Roman’s lips like it was a curse being sent Marcus’s way. He could do nothing but follow it. He was tranced into following Roman’s words, a dark magic that could only end with him getting hurt.

But under that spell Roman had cast, Marcus’s own embarrassment bled through and made him think stupid thoughts. He acted without thinking and moved his hips, tilting them just so to hide that he was hard.

Roman threw his forearm against Marcus’s neck and collarbone, slamming Marcus down into the chair. Marcus winced and wheezed as his breath was knocked out of him.

“I told you—” Roman cut himself off as he looked down.

Marcus cursed his eyes for averted down at the problem he was trying to hide which led Roman to look in the same direction.

Marcus tried to twist his hips even further, but before he could do so, Roman grabbed his thigh from under the blanket and forced it back to the right.

Marcus couldn’t do much being pinned down under Roman’s arm. He attempted to flip over on his side, but that only gave friction to his problem. His breath hitched as Roman’s hand tightened on his upper-thigh. He grew harder at the rough and almost intimate touch.

It had been long enough since he’d gotten off that he was starving for this. It wasn’t even that he hadn’t jacked off in so long. The last time he’d had sex was last year—and it had been a quick tumble in a hotel with a girl he’d met at a bar.

Marcus’s face burned. He didn’t even attempt to speak. There was nothing he could say that could make this situation better.

Roman stared at the tented area that Marcus didn’t even have the chance of covering up.

There was a lengthy silence that made Marcus want to crawl into a hole. He waited for Roman’s face to scrunch up in disgust and finally kill Marcus. Or at least beat the shit out of him.

But what he didn’t expect was for Roman to let out a little snort.

“Were you getting off on this the whole time?”

Marcus sputtered. “W-Wha?—”

Roman lifted his arm from Marcus’s chest, but at the same time, he grabbed Marcus’s crotch, knocking the breath out of Marcus once more.

A grin stretched over Roman’s face. It was cruel and evil. The smirk let Marcus know that what he’d seen from Roman wasn’t even the start of the worse the man could do.

Roman just laid his hand over Marcus’s crotch like it was nothing out of the ordinary. He didn’t have to do anything more than that for Marcus’s brain to short-circuit.

He couldn’t decide whether to buck his hips into the touch or to scramble back. He didn’t do either of those things because he couldn’t get himself to fuckingmove. He was captured in Roman’s web. The more he even thought about struggling the more escape seemed hopeless.

Roman leered down at him like he could see the inside of his brain. His smile widened and revealed his teeth.

“All you needed to do was ask.”

Marcus didn’t get the chance to even ponder what that meant before Roman ripped the safety of the blanket away from him. Cold hit him like a brick wall. It wasn’t enough to flag his erection, but it was enough to wake him up from the brain fog that had nestled into his head like a parasite.

He jolted up from the bed and shoved Roman away from him. Roman, not seeing the attack coming, fell back in surprise. Marcus dove for the edge of the recliner. He fell halfway off of it. He began to crawl on the floor, but Roman grabbed the back of his shirt and tried to haul him back into the chair.

The recliner teetered back and forth as the two fought for dominance. It ended up falling over, making a loud thud and throwing Marcus the rest of the way onto the floor. The chair made a loud thud as it hit the floor. He heard Roman curse. He didn’t even look over his shoulder as he began to crawl towards the bed. He didn’t know where else to go besides under it.

He made it completely under the bed when he hear Roman’s footsteps coming toward him.

Roman crouched at the end of the bed. He gave a dark laugh as he ran a hand through his hair. “Where did you think you were going to hide?”

Marcus didn’t realize he’d been holding his breath until he lungs started to burn. He slowly let out the breath and took a steady one in. He felt the beginnings of a heartattack.

Roman got up. He turned the fallen recliner back over and straightened up the mess they’d made as they fought. All the while, Marcus anticipated the man coming right back for him. He was waiting like a scared animal and he hated that he’d been reduced to this. He hated this feeling.