Page 112 of The Butterfly Killer

Marcus clenched and unclenched his fists, eyes darting around the room as he calculated what he could do. He was also calculating what the nephew could possibly have in mind when they did ultimately make it to the bedroom. He had leverage over his father and now his late uncle, but what did he have to do with Roman? How did all this tie together?

And what did he have planned?

On their way down the hall, Marcus took one look at the picture hanging on the wall. For a split second he was going to do it. He was going to grab the damn thing and attack.

The nephew read it all in his body language. He poked the back of Marcus’s head with the gun. “Come on. I have other things to do. I’ve got a hot date and I really don’t want to clean your blood off my nice shoes.”

Marcus would have rolled his eyes if he was staring at Roman laying in the bed.

He looked worse than when Marcus had left him. His eyes were lidded, his chest heaved, and he’d slumped down into the mattress like it was going to eat him alive.

Marcus’s chest ached when he saw Roman lying there. All the fear he’d first felt when he first met him was gone. All he felt now was sympathy and a deep need to help Roman.

“Go to him,” the nephew said. He sounded amused.

Marcus didn’t need to be told twice. He darted to the side of the bed. He grabbed Roman’s hand once more. He looked the man in the eyes. He didn’t need to ask how he was doing. He could see it very clearly.

He wasn’t going to make it if he didn’t get some help.

Marcus looked over at the nephew. “How are you here to help?”

The nephew hadn’t moved from where he stood just inside the doorway. He watched Roman and Marcus with a curious but also not interested way that didn’t give anything as to what he was thinking.

The nephew finally walked into the room, breaking the safe bubble that Marcus was relying on to keep him together. He knew now that what happened next, the world they’d shared together for weeks was coming to an end.

“Lucas Cortez,” he said while holding out his hand to Roman. Roman looked him tirelessly up and down.

“I know who you are.” He coughed. Thankfully, Marcus didn’t see any red.

Lucas pulled his hand away when it became clear that Roman wasn’t going to shake it, even if he was in the position to do so.

“Then you know I own almost everything the Cortez empire used to.”

Roman’s eyes narrowed. “Are you offering me a deal or are you just trying to threaten me?”

Lucas’s smile grew wider. “I knew we’d understand each other, cousin. I am offering a deal. You come work for me and I’ll make sure neither the FBI nor my father harm you.”

Roman huffed out a laugh that bordered on a wheeze. He moved, grimacing as the shifting pulled on his stomach wound. Marcus tried to help him, but Roman waved him off.

“I don’t give a shit about the FBI or your father. I’m good as dead. There’s nothing they can do to me worse than this.”

Lucas’s eyes flickered to Marcus. “Are you sure about that?”

Roman stiffened then hissed. Marcus felt useless standing beside him without being able to do anything. It was out of his hands now. He didn’t even feel like he could provide comfort to Roman. He wasn’t sure Roman would even want it.

“Fine,” Roman bit out. “What are your terms?”

Lucas placed the gun Marcus had taken from Miguel onto the dresser by the bedroom door. “We can talk about that later. Let’s take care of you first.”

Marcus launched himself in front of Roman. He didn’t care if he looked like an idiot or if he looked completely freaked out. He wasn’t going to let Lucas do anything to Roman without putting up a fight.

Lucas rolled his eyes. “Please, officer. I need my cousin alive to work for me. I’m going to get him help. Unless you think he’ll be in better hands with the FBI.”

Marcus looked back at Roman, but he didn’t have a clue either.

Then, Marcus heard the sirens. There was no way that Lucas had heard them before Marcus. He was trained to hear them. He could pick up on them miles away and he could be completely focused on a task.

Lucas must have known they were on their way before they were even on this part of town. He definitely had someone working inside the network and if Marcus had to bet, it was someone in the FBI.