The second Cora was out the door, Delaney grabbed her phone and composed a reply to Marco Vassallo accepting the job.

I can begin as soon as the arrangements for my visa and flight have been made,she wrote.I’m looking forward to working with you.

Delaney hesitated for a moment before pressing send. Cora was right that this was a big step into the unknown at a time when a lot was already up in the air, but Delaney knew that this was her best move. She couldn’t put herself, or her child, though a life in which Logan was just down the street but had nothing to do with them. This was the best thing she could do, for herself and her baby.

Delaney pressed send.



“What a lovely event you’ve put together.”

Logan turned to the woman who’d spoken, a wealthy art collector named Carmen Henderson. She was the same woman Delaney had been working with on the night they’d met, if Logan remembered correctly.

“Thank you. It’s a pleasure having you here.”

“Oh, it’s a pleasure to be here.” Carmen giggled in a surprisingly girlish way. “The art isn’t the only finery on display.”

Logan wasn’t sure how to respond, so he smiled politely. “Have you had a chance to see the painting?”

“Yes.The Cherished Infantis simply gorgeous. I can’t quite believe that you managed to get your hands on it.”

“Well, I had a lot of help.” Logan thought of Delaney, kneeling in front of the painting with her kit, and quickly banished the memory.

“This event, though, is really breathtaking.” Carmen surveyed the room. Logan followed her lead.

The event had come together very nicely. Logan’s planner, David, had managed to secure a luxurious ballroom at a midtown hotel. Logan had initially planned to hold the event at his home in an attempt to increase the exclusivity but had changed his mind. He didn’t want this many people in his penthouse — and he would have needed to completely redecorate, anyway.

Tonight, the ballroom was filled with wealthy New Yorkers in evening gowns and suits. Logan’s art collection hung on the walls, withThe Cherished Infantin a special display in the center of the room. Waiters passed trays of canapés and champagne, and a string quartet played in one corner. Logan himself was in demand. Carmen wasn’t the only one who had pulled him aside for a private chat — Logan had already received several investment offers from new clients.

“Thank you.” Logan gave another polite smile. “I had help with this, too.”

“Oh, so modest.” Carmen gave another girlish giggle and whacked Logan playfully on the arm with her clutch. Logan winced. The clutch was set with diamonds, so the blow had been a little painful. “Anyway, I wanted to ask if you’re looking for new investors. My people have told me that your company has a lot of promise, and after tonight I believe them.”

“That’s wonderful. I am always on the lookout for promising investors. Please, take my card and feel free to have your people call about setting up a private appointment.”

“A private appointment?” Another giggle. “Oh, Logan. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to woo me!”

Logan bit back a comment about how she’d completely misread the situation. Instead, he pretended to wave to someone across the room.

“My apologies. I’ll have to run.”

“I hope we’ll bump into each other later!” Carmen gave him another playful whack.

“Yes. I’ll see you around.” Logan managed one more smile before he disappeared into the crowd. He wove his way towardsThe Cherished Infant,which had at least a dozen people crowded around it. Logan glanced at the painting, then sighed. Each time he saw it, he thought of Delaney. It was terrible luck that the once-in-a-lifetime piece of art he’d managed to acquire was about a mother and a baby when the woman he loved was also pregnant.

“Mr. Banks.” A well-dressed gentlemen Logan vaguely recognized beckoned him over. “What a fine piece you’ve managed to snag.”

“Thank you.”

“I feel particularly lucky to be one of the few who gets to see it!” The man chuckled, but Logan wasn’t amused. He remembered what Delaney had told him, about what a shame it was that such a beautiful and significant piece of artwork would only be enjoyed by a select few. Maybe she’d been right. She’d been right about a lot of things.

“I count myself quite lucky as well.”

“You know, if you’re looking for more investors…”

Logan let himself be pulled into another discussion about investment opportunities, but his heart wasn’t in it. This glitzyevening filled with investment offers and praise for his art collection should have been exactly what Logan wanted, but it wasn’t. Just like his penthouse and his work, the event felt empty without Delaney by his side. She should have been here, holding Logan’s arm and offering a running commentary on the elites who were here tonight. She should have been flagging down a waiter to ask for bruschetta. She should have been providing thoughtful insight on the art and chastising Logan for hiding such beautiful pieces away.