They walked together across the lobby. Logan pressed the elevator button, and they shared an awkward smile while they waited.
They both chuckled awkwardly.
“Sorry, you go,” Delaney said.
“Right. I just wanted to ask if you’d like to meet for breakfast tomorrow.”
“Good idea. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!” Delaney wanted to sink into a hole. What was she saying? It wasawkward enough that they’d just kissed and now had to ride the elevator up to their rooms in silence. She didn’t have to make it worse with clichés.
“True.” The elevator arrived and Delaney got in before the doors were fully open and pressed the button for their floor. Logan followed.
“What wereyougoing to say?” he asked as they began to ascend.
“I just wanted to say that I hope we have time for gelato before we go to the airport.”
“We’ll make time.” Logan looked down at her, and his lips curved into a soft smile. For a moment, everything felt right again.
Then, the elevator dinged to announce its arrival at their floor. Delaney and Logan spilled out.
“Well, good night, Delaney.”
“Good night, Logan. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow.”
Delaney went into her room, closed the door behind her, then slumped to the floor in a heap of embarrassment. Yet as she sat there, on the floor of her hotel room with her back to the door, she couldn’t help smiling and lifting one fingertip to brush across her lips. That kiss…
It didn’t mean anything. Logan had said more than once that he didn’t see a relationship between them, and Delaney would respect that. They were both very focused on their work, after all. She had a gallery to build, and Logan had a billion to earn. Just because they’d spent a lovely few days in Rome and sharedan electric kiss didn’t mean that they should start sending out wedding invitations.
And yet…
It felt like the kiss had meant something. Delaney couldn’t stop thinking of how it had felt to be in Logan’s arms again and for him to fix her with those gray eyes. Maybe, even if they couldn’t have a normal relationship, there could be something between them.
At the very least, they could enjoy one more day in Rome, including a celebratory meal after the authentication appointment.
Or they could as long as things weren’t weird after their kiss.
Delaney skimmed her fingertip over her lips again, lost in the memory. Things didn’t have to be weird. She’d make sure they weren’t. She’d show up to breakfast tomorrow with a smile and a joke. That would prove to Logan that everything was normal between them and that he didn’t need to run off again.
Delaney got up and headed for the shower. She was chilly from the walk and wanted to warm up in the hot water. Once she was clean and wrapped in a hotel robe, she made her way to her bed and climbed in. Just next door, Logan was probably getting ready to sleep, too. A memory of him in her bed rose up and Delaney pushed it away. She could already tell it was going to be hard to sleep that night.
Yet despite the awkwardness of the kiss and Delaney’s fervent wish that all would remain balanced between them, she had to admit that she felt happier tonight than she had in a while. It had been a wonderful trip. Tomorrow, she’d get to see a painting thatmight be a Botticelli. And she’d shared an electrifying kiss with a very attractive man who she couldn’t get out of her mind.
Delaney read for a few minutes on her e-reader but struggled to follow the plot. Eventually, she shut off her bedside light and closed her eyes. The rest of the night was spent in restless sleep, with dreams of Logan kissing her mixing with worries about what the future would hold.
It was a good thing, she thought when she woke up in the middle of the night to get some water, that she didn’t need to make any rash decisions. She and Logan could see where things went without pushing. There was no hurry.
Delaney slept more peacefully after that.