“You are not attracted to Logan Banks,” Delaney told herself firmly in the bathroom mirror. “He is your colleague. Maybe your friend. That’s it. You’ve both been very clear about that.”

Even her reflection seemed not to believe her, though. Delaney was starting to have feelings for Logan all over again. Yet these feelings were stronger than the attraction and interest she’d felt on the first night, simply because she knew him better now. Even if he was a typical rich, entitled jerk, he had his moments. A lot of moments.

Delaney gave her reflection another stern look, then turned to go. She was in the bathroom at another spectacular art museum that Logan had suggested. They’d spent the day exploring the city once again, this time with Logan in the lead. He’d shown her Rome’s most beautiful sights, joked with her, and avoided answering his phone all day even though he had it with him.

Delaney needed to be strong. She needed to focus on her job here, not on Logan’s piercing gray eyes and chiseled muscles andthe way it had felt when he’d held her hands and told her that their night together meant a lot to him.

Logan was waiting for her on a bench outside the restrooms. As she emerged, he put his phone away and got to his feet.

“Are you ready for dinner?” he asked.


“Right this way.” Logan gestured towards the museum exit. “I managed to rebook our reservation at the restaurant I wanted to visit the first day, Basilico e Formaggio.”

“The one that overlooks the Colosseum?”

“The very same.”

Delaney grinned. “I can’t wait. The Colosseum is the one Roman landmark I really wanted to see but haven’t had the chance to visit yet.”

“I know. That’s why I’ve saved the best for last, as it were.”

The car was waiting for them outside, along with the same driver as before. It wasn’t a long drive to the restaurant, but, as always, Delaney was transfixed by the scenery outside.

“Are you excited to get back to New York?” Logan asked. She tore her gaze away from the view to look at him.

“Kind of. It’ll be nice to be home. But I love Rome and I don’t feel like I’ve seen all of it yet.” She grinned at Logan. “Not that I’ve seen all of New York, either.”

“I don’t think anyone has. Cities like New York or Rome always have hidden corners and mysterious quarters to explore.”

Delaney nodded. “It’s true. Cities are like people, I think. Most of the time, when you think you have them figured out, they manage to surprise you.”

“We’ve arrived,” the driver informed them.

“Thank you,” Delaney said. They got out and Delaney stopped to admire the restaurant’s old and beautiful building. Inside, Logan ushered them to an elevator, which ferried them to the top floor. There, they were met by a maître d’ in a black-and-white uniform.

“Benvenuto, hai una prenotazione?” she asked in quick Italian.

“Sì, certo. Il nome è Banks,” Logan replied without missing a beat. Delaney had to work hard to keep her mouth from dropping open.

“Da questa parte, per favore.” The maître d’ led them to a small round table by a window. The table was decorated with candles and a flower in a vase, but Delaney barely noticed it. She was looking outside, where the Colosseum was lit against the deep-blue sky. Delaney had seen pictures of the Colosseum countless times before, but nothing had prepared her for how enormous it really was, or how magical it felt to see something that had stood in this very place for longer than anyone she knew had been alive.

“It takes my breath away every time,” Logan said. Delaney turned to him.

“Thank you for bringing me here.”

“Of course. Would you like to sit?” He pulled out her chair for her and Delaney sat, then turned to Logan.

“I didn’t know that you could speak Italian.”

“I only know a few basic phrases, but it’s enough to get around. Sometimes.” He took a sip of water.

“You’re full of surprises.” Delaney reached for her own glass. “Tell me something else I don’t know about you.”

“Let’s see. As a child, I was an avid collector of interestingly shaped leaves.”