“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” Logan gave her an appraising look. “All right. I’ll take your dare. But if I go the whole day without my phone, I’ll need something from you.”

“What do you want from me?”

“Forgiveness. I know you hate me after the way I left things. But believe me, I was trying to do the best thing for both of us.”

Delaney sighed. She saw the truth in that, even if she was still upset. “Fine.If— and that’s a big if — you manage to go a whole day without your phone, I’d be happy to forgive you.”

“You’re on.” Logan held out his hand and Delaney shook it. It was the first time they’d touched since that first night, and his warm, firm hand on hers sent shivers up Delaney’s arm. She released him quickly.

They pulled into the hotel drop-off a few minutes later. Logan and Delaney both thanked the driver then got out. The evening was briskly chilly by now, and, though Delaney had planned to go out for dinner, she found Logan’s offer of room service distinctly appealing. They went upstairs and Logan hesitated in the hallway outside her room.

“Breakfast at eight tomorrow?” he asked.

“That sounds good.”

“Are you really going to show up this time?”

Delaney bristled. “Are you really going to come without your phone?”

Logan winked at her as though this were flirtatious banter and not insults being flung back and forth. “It looks like we both have something to prove. All I know is that I always hold up my end of the bargain.”

“We’ll see. Good night, Logan.”

“Good night, Delaney.”

Delaney spent the rest of the evening in the hotel room, trying out the clawfoot tub and ordering a plate of spaghetti carbonara and a side salad on Logan’s room-service account. It was a very relaxing evening after a long and confusing day, which was just what she needed.

As she climbed into the beautiful four-poster bed and turned off the lights, Delaney wondered if Logan would really spend a whole day without his phone. And, if he did, would she really be ready to forgive him? Maybe so. Just maybe…



“This is stupid,” Logan muttered under his breath. He was standing at the door to his hotel room, dressed and ready to go. He was wearing the same slacks and button-down as the day before, since this was only meant to be a three-day trip — but that wasn’t the problem. The problem was his phone, which stared up at him balefully from the table beside the door.

Logan could go a day without his phone anytime he wanted. Obviously he could. He frequently went several hours without looking at it, such as on the night he’d met Delaney. But the thought of being removed from his work and any potential problems was worrying. If something happened and he wasn’t around to fix it, he could lose a lot of money and more than a little pride.

And yet… the thought of Delaney looking at him with those big blue eyes, her expression saying “I knew you couldn’t do it” — no, not just her expression; she’d probably say the words out loud — was even worse. Logan wanted to prove to her that he was a good person. He wanted to prove that to himself, too.

With a sigh, he flipped his phone face-side down and grabbed his key card from the slot beside the door. He was really doing it. He was leaving his phone behind and spending a day with Delaney.

If she showed up.

Downstairs, Delaney was already waiting for him. Her presence made Logan smile. Perhaps leaving his phone behind would be worth it, if it meant he could earn her forgiveness.

“Morning.” He nodded to her. “Shall we eat?”

“I’m ready.” She fell into step beside him as they made their way towards the dining room. “So, do you have your phone?”


Delaney glanced at him. “Hmm. Can I trust you? Maybe I need to pat you down.”

The thought of Delaney’s soft, warm hands running up and down his body was more than a little appealing, but Logan shook his head.

“You can trust me. Call my phone and see if it rings.”

“I can’t. I don’t have my phone either.”