They turned and went back to the car. Logan was annoyed with himself for missing the messages. More than that, he was apprehensive about spending three more days in Rome with a woman who clearly hated him. Yes, he’d hurt her, but it seemedshe was purposefully making their trip tenser than it needed to be, in retaliation.

“So, I guess we’ll be in Rome for a few days,” Delaney said.

When Logan glanced at her, he didn’t see any of the annoyance he’d expected at the delay. Instead, she looked positively thrilled, as though his mistake was the best news ever.

“It looks like it.” He hesitated. “I apologize for missing the message. Are you able to stay for these extra days?”

“Definitely.” Delaney sneaked a quick glance at him. “Honestly, I’m a little excited. I’ve always wanted to come to Rome, and I’m happy that I’ll get a little more time to explore before we go back home.”

Logan’s heart gave a funny twist at her words. He’d been to Rome several times and hadn’t been excited about that part of the trip, but he remembered Delaney’s enthusiasm about Italy the night they’d first met. He should have arranged for her to stay longer in the first place.

“Well, I’m glad.”

“Is it okay foryouto stay? I imagine you have a lot of work to get back to.” They were still sitting in front of Marco Vassallo’s house. Logan didn’t know where to tell the driver to go.

“I do.” Logan wrinkled his nose at the thought of all the meetings he’d need to reschedule and all the tasks he’d have to delegate. He’d need to put in at least a few hours with his laptop later tonight, but it would work out. “It should be fine. Anyway, what are you planning to do this afternoon?”

“I have no idea.” Delaney smoothed her palms against her slacks. “I’ve never been to Rome before, and I hardly know whatto do here. When I was only going to be in town for one night, I decided to explore on foot, but I suppose today I should see some sights.”

“We have the driver all day,” Logan pointed out. “If you’d like, I can show you the sights. I’ve been here before, and it’ll be much easier for you to get around town with an experienced guide and a dedicated driver.”

He knew as soon as he said the words that Delaney would turn him down, just like she’d turned down his offer of dinner at the Colosseum. It was fine. If she wanted to explore on her own, he’d go back to the hotel room and get some work done. It would probably be better in the long run anyway if they didn’t spend any more time together than they had to.

“That would be nice.”

Logan was so surprised that he barely registered what Delaney had said. It was all he could do not to give a surprisedreally?Instead, he nodded and leaned forward to speak to the driver.

“Please take us back towards town. The first stop is Saint Peter’s Basilica.”

Logan was sure that Delaney, with her love of art, would enjoy the beautiful building. He sat back in his seat as they rolled back down the drive towards the main road.

“If we have to be stranded in Rome, at least it’s a beautiful day,” he said. Itwasbeautiful — the air had a hint of fall chill, but it wasn’t too cold and the sun was out.

“It really is.” Delaney leaned back with a smile, her gaze already drifting towards the window. Logan settled in for the journey back into the city, feeling more optimistic than he had in a while.Maybe this unexpected delay would be just what he and Delaney needed to get back on good terms. They could talk, enjoy dinner, perhaps stroll the city, and regain the easy banter they’d had on the first day they’d met.

Things were looking up.



Things were going very poorly.

Delaney wasn’t sure why she’d agreed to a tour of the city with Logan as her guide. She should have struck out on her own and explored the sights by herself, but instead, she was stuck with Logan all day.

Yes, they’d managed one conversation in the car outside of Mr. Vassallo’s house without sniping at each other, but that was no indication that the day would go smoothly.

As they drove into town, Delaney tore her eyes from the scenery outside and sent a few quick emails to clients and friends, rescheduling plans she’d made for the rest of the week. Then she turned her phone off and prepared to soak in as much of Italy as she possibly could. She might be dedicated to her work, but when she took time off, her job had no place in her life.

When they arrived at Saint Peter’s Basilica, their first destination of the day, Delaney jumped out of the car almost before it had stopped moving. The building in front of them was enormous, with rows of columns in the front and a domed roofoverhead. Despite it being the off-season, long lines of tourists queued outside to enter.

“I think we’ll be waiting here for a while,” Delaney said, a little sadly.

“I wouldn’t worry about it.” Logan gestured for her to follow him. At a ticket booth, he purchased a pair of express tickets that allowed them access to the Basilica without waiting in line.

“I don’t mind waiting,” Delaney said, but Logan waved her off.

“It’s the least I can do.” He handed her one ticket. “Shall we go in?”