Cora launched into a story about her latest fling. It was both funny and distracting enough that Delaney was able to put the job offer and Logan out of her mind for the time being. The rest of lunch passed in a blur of food and laughter and, too soon, it was time to go. Delaney had her meeting with the client, and Cora needed to go for a photoshoot in Coney Island.

“It was so nice to see you.” Delaney gave her friend a tight hug. “And thank you for your advice on Logan.”

“Anytime. One more thing, though.” Cora pulled back from the hug, took Delaney’s shoulders in her hands, and stared at her with bright blue eyes. “If you do go on this trip, promise me you won’t get caught up in Logan’s act again. You know now that he’s a complete jerk. Don’t let him win you over.”

Delaney snorted. “There’s absolutely no chance of that happening. I’ve learned my lesson. No more Logan, no matter what he says.”

“Good.” Cora squeezed her shoulders again, then stepped back. “Let me know how everything goes. See you later!” She waved, then disappeared into the flow of pedestrian traffic moving towards the subway station. Delaney’s meeting was in the opposite direction, but she had plenty of time and the fall day was pleasant enough. She could walk at least part of the way.

As Delaney made her way briskly up the street, she took her phone out of her pocket and opened Logan’s email again. At the bottom was a phone number and, after a moment’s hesitation, she pressed call. Delaney still wasn’t a hundred percent sure what she was going to say, but Logan should at least have to hear her voice instead of hiding behind an email.

“Logan Banks’s office,” a pleasant female voice intoned. “How may I help you?”

Delaney should haveexpectedan assistant. “I’d like to speak to Mr. Banks, please.”

“And whom may I tell him is calling?”

“Delaney Cohen.”

“One moment, please.” There was a long pause and Delaney began to wonder if Logan wasn’t going to speak to her at all. But then the line clicked and Logan’s deep voice rang out from the other end of the line.

“Delaney?” He sounded almost… hopeful?

“Mr. Banks.” She kept her voice crisp and formal. “I’ve received your job offer.”

“What did you think?”

Delaney hesitated, Cora’s words and her own worries spinning in her head. “I think…” Delaney braced herself. “I’ll take it.”

“That’s wonderful news. I’ll have my secretary send over the documentation. We’ll leave Tuesday evening.”

“I suppose I’ll see you then.”

“I suppose so. I’m looking forward to us working together.”

Delaney couldn’t exactly say that she was looking forward to them working together too, so she didn’t. “I’ll see you on Tuesday.”

The call disconnected and Delaney shoved her phone back into her pocket. Apparently, she’d just agreed to work for the enemy.Promise me you won’t get caught up in Logan’s act again.Cora’s words echoed in Delaney’s mind and she squeezed her hands into fists. She wouldn’t. She was just going to put her head down, do her job, and get this whole trip over with as soon as possible.



Delaney stared at the airplane in front of her. She’d expected to fly commercial to Italy, perhaps in business class, but still commercial. Yet the address Logan’s secretary had sent her led to a private airport outside the city, where a small private plane waited to whisk her off to Italy.

Delaney had flown a few times before, mostly to visit family, but she wasn’t a frequent flyer by any means. The longest she’d ever been on a plane before was a few hours. And that had been on a much bigger plane.

“You made it.”

Delaney turned to see Logan striding across the tarmac towards her. He was dressed in slacks and a button-up and looked more casual than he had in the suit she’d seen him in before. His dark hair was still neat, and his gray eyes were still intense. He was every bit the man who’d held Delaney in his arms, kissed her like she was the most important person in the world, and told her she was beautiful. Yet at the same time, he wasn’t.

“So did you.” Delaney shouldered her travel bag. “Watch out. It’s a small plane and I doubt you’ll be able to run off when you get bored of me.”

“Let’s try to keep things professional, shall we?” At Logan’s words, Delaney instantly regretted her barb — then wished she didn’t. Who was Logan to talk about professionalism?

“Understood.” Delaney turned back to the plane and crossed her arms. “Are we getting on?”

“When you’re ready. Can I take your bag for you?”