Page 54 of Breaking Boston

"I'm so sorry; we should've told you sooner," I say, feeling the weight of our deception lift off my shoulders. She nods, her shivering form leaning into the warmth of our presence.

"There's nothing to talk about right now. I want to hear it from Debbie and Bobby," she says, her tone stern and commanding, leaving no room for dispute.

She stands up, a gun in her hand and a lost, torturous look on her beautiful, tear-stained face. She walks up the few steps, and we follow, taking a deep breath and bracing ourselves for whatever might lie ahead. Opening the door, we walk through the dark house on a mission, going up the creaky stairs without even trying to stay quiet.

"Do you have a plan?" I ask, hoping she does because I don't.

"Not really. I want to know the truth, and I know they fucking know it." She turns to look at us, a dark, distant look filling her eyes. "And then I'm going to kill them so this can all be over," she sighs, turning back around to face their bedroom door.

I feel the blood drain from my face as I realize how deeply she has been affected by our deception. The gravity of the situationhits me like a ton of bricks, and I glance over at Donovan, who looks equally horrified.

As we reach the bedroom door, I try to find the words to reason with her, to beg her, but she's already pushing open the door, her grip on the gun tightening as she steps inside. Donovan and I exchange a look before following her into the room, unsure of how this is going to play out.

Debbie and Bobby look up in shock as we enter, their expressions quickly turning to fear as they see the gun in her hand. I can see the realization sinking in for them, and I know that whatever comes next, it'll free the three of us from the demons we've carried with us for so fucking long.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Booby snaps at us, his bloodshot eyes glued to Boston's, who's holding the gun.

"Shut the fuck up, Bobby. It's my turn to fucking talk," Boston growls in the sexiest voice I've ever heard, and it makes my cock twitch.

Bobby laughs, Debbie glares at Boston as if she's about to lunge at her, and me and Donovan lean back against the wall, watching to see how it all plays out.

Boston starts pacing at the end of their bed, waving the gun as she mutters to herself—on the verge of a mental breakdown, it seems. But she knows what she's doing. She might be hurt and pissed, but my girl knows what the fuck she's doing.

"I want to know about my parents," she says, turning to face them as they both sit up in bed and light a cigarette.

"There's nothing to know. You were taken away, and that was that." Debbie shrugs, obviously trying to hide what she knows.

But we know.

"Bullshit." She cocks the gun and aims it at Debbie's knee. "Tell me the fucking truth," she sighs, acting as if she's bored.

It's truly fascinating to see her in action, even if she is committing the worst sin of them all.

Debbie must think she's joking, because she laughs, coughing her lungs up in the process.

"Stupid girl," she says, but before she can say anything else, Boston fires the gun, the sound of recoil echoing in my ears as the bullet pierces Debbie's knee. "Ahh, fuck!"

"I'm not here to play games, as you can see," Boston admits, firing another shot to Debbie's other knee before pointing the gun at Bobby.

"Fuck, you're crazy!" Bobby gasps, not knowing what to do.

But as Boston raises the gun to shoot him, he throws his hands up in mock surrender and shakes his head in disbelief.

"Fine, what do you want to know? Just don't fucking shoot me."

"I want to know why I was placed in foster care."

"Boston, your parents were fucking sick. They got off on molesting little kids," Bobby gags on his words, which makes no sense because he had no problem doing the same shit to the three of us.

"Keep going," she says with tears in her eyes, my heart breaking as I look at Donovan and shake my head.

"They tried to sell you to a predator, but the FBI got involved and stopped the child trafficking ring they had going. They took you and six other children out of that house before they arrested your parents." Bobby hangs his head, noticing the look of utter betrayal and disgust on her face.

Turning to face us, Boston smiles as much as she can, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes. Her shoulders drop as she sighs, looking utterly defeated.

"I'm sorry," she whispers. "I should've believed the two of you, but I didn't." She turns back around, raises the gun, and empties the clip into Bobby and Debbie, catching us completely off guard.

The room is filled with the echoing sound of gunshots as we watch in shock and horror, unable to move or speak. Boston drops the gun to the ground and turns to look at us, her eyes wide with a mix of sadness and determination.