Page 31 of Breaking Boston


"Ineed you to work tonight. I have a job for you, Boston," Remy says through the phone.

I hesitated before answering, knowing I had planned to head out tonight for my parents place in Dorchester.

I sigh and hope for the best. "Actually, Remy, I can't tonight. I'm going out of town."

He laughs, his evil tone making a chill trickle down my spine. "Nice try. You owe me a night of work for the night you stayed here. I'll see you in twenty."

He hangs up, leaving me speechless. Fuck, what am I going to do now?

Stomping around Lux's room with an attitude, I put on an outfit I picked up earlier and dolled myself up in makeup, my hair straight and flowing down my back.

"Where are you going?" Donovan asks, suddenly appearing in the doorway.

"Work. Remy said he had a job for me." I slip my feet into my black wedges, tying my outfit together.

"We know Remy too. We'll take you," Lux demands, a stern look on his face as he does an obvious sweep of my body with his hungry, protective gaze.

"I'd like that." I offer a smile, thinking that on the walk there, I'd tell them about my plans to see my parents. “But how do you know Remy?”

Donovan and Lux exchange a mischievous look before nodding in agreement.

“We used to work for him.” Nothing else is said, leaving me wondering what they're hiding and why.

As we leave the house and make our way to meet Remy, I try to think of a way to get out of this. But I can't. I have to own up to shit now that I'm alone in the real world.

I wasn't prepared for this, but I have no choice.

Donovan holds one hand and Lux holds the other; neither one is willing to let go. But I love it, so I grip their hands tighter, showing them I'm never letting go either.

"I found my parents," I blurted out, hoping the sound of the rolling thunder drowned it out.

But it didn't. I can feel both men squeeze my hands even harder, bringing on a slight throbbing pain shooting down my wrists.

"You found them, huh?" Donovan asks first, giving me a smile with a hidden meaning I can't decode. "Good for you."

"So does that mean you're leaving?" Lux doesn't even look at me when he says it, but I know I'm ripping out their hearts again, so I get it.

"Yeah, I'm going to head up there after I finish whatever Remy wants me to do." I shrug, feeling at peace as the rain soaks me. "But it's not like I won't be back. I just have to do this," I whisper, squeezing their hands a little tighter.

"You do you, pretty girl," Lux says, smiling now.

"Yeah, spread those wings and soar, little bird. Feel the fucking wind beneath those wings." Donovan winks, warming my insides.

"I plan to. I'll come back to the nest eventually," I say, feeling the warmth of their hands enveloping mine.

The rest of the walk to the warehouse, a smile stays glued to my face. I didn't know what the night had in store or what the future had in store. I was going to see my parents again, and that's all that really mattered.

Lux and Donovanleft in a hurry as soon as they knew I'd made it safely. I wondered where they were going, but the thoughts were erased from my mind when I walked in and saw Remy.

Standing with his hands in his pockets and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, he looked like a fucking Titan. Well over six feet with jet black hair that was styled neatly on top of his head, he pierced his hazel eyes into mine as I walked closer, taking long, slow strides.

His muscles bulged, and his white shirt clung to every part of him as if it were painted on.He was fucking gorgeous. But I had who I wanted, and I wasn't going to let my hormones play tricks on me.

"How old are you, sweet thing?" Remy finally asks, after taking every inch of my body in, his eyes raking the length of me.

"Eighteen," I whisper, avoiding everyone else's gaze that's gathered in the living room area in the warehouse.