I take a long drag from my cigarette before handing it to Lux, exhaling slowly as I run my hand through Boston's hair. She lays there, covered in cum and looking dazed, her chest still heaving from the intense orgasm we just gave her. It's moments like these that I feel like I could stay here forever, with my Little Bird and Lux by my side. But I know that's not possible. Our lifestyle doesn't allow for permanence or attachment. We'll have to move on soon, find our next mark, and leave Boston behind. She won't be able to handle what we do, and it's better this way.
But we always have the masks. We'll always be able to watch her.
I allow myself a few more moments to enjoy the aftermath of our little game before I push the thoughts of the future to the back of my mind. Right now, I'm here with Boston, my little bird, and whatever happens next will have to wait.
Lux and I exchange a knowing look, and I'm confident that we'll find our next adventure soon enough. But for now, we're content to revel in the chaos and pleasure we've created. As I lean back, the scent of sex and sweat fills the room, and I know that we've left our mark on Boston in more ways than one. She may not realize it yet, but she's been forever changed by the two dangerous men who just rocked her fucking world. And for now, that's all that matters.
We'd painted our masterpiece with her, and for one brief, sparkling moment, everything seemed fucking perfect.
There's so much pain shooting through my body, burning, twisting pain. It wakes me up from another peaceful night's sleep, causing me to slowly sit up in the middle of the bed.
It's then I remember what happened last night. I see Donovan and Lux, both fully naked, sound asleep on either side of me. I take in the sight of their beautiful bodies covered in ink and intricate designs. My eyes follow their tattoos like a map, but I don't know where the woven lines lead to. I get lost in them, zoning out until the smacking of a branch against the window beside the bed snaps me out of it.
Rain pours down outside, being whipped against the window panes by the fierce wind attacking the city. I feel at peace once again. Now that I have Donovan and Lux back in my life—by my side—I know that everything will be alright.
Even though my body is in excruciating pain and dope sickness seeps into my bones, I manage to climb out of bed without waking them. I grab my clothes and tiptoe to the bathroom, only thinking about doing a shot to feel better—to feel normal.
I've thought about quitting and seeking help, but I don't think I'm ready just yet. And from experience, an addict has to be ready and willing to seek treatment, or it isn't going to work.
Maybe when I find my parents, I'll stop and get clean. Everything will be better then.
But for now, I have to focus on getting through each day, battling the urge to escape the pain and reality with heroin. As I inject the drug into my veins, I try to ignore the guilt and shame that wash over me. The cravings are too intense. The high is temporary, and the cycle starts all over again. But I push those thoughts away, as I try to hold on to the feeling of peace and comfort that Donovan and Lux bring into my life.
I know I can't rely on them to fix me, but their presence makes everything a little more bearable. And as I step out of the bathroom, I make a silent promise to myself that I'll hold on to the hope that one day, I'll find the peace I so desperately long for.
The first sip of coffee is always the best. As I stand in the kitchen, watching the rain fall outside, I drink my coffee. Thoughts about last night continue to dance around in my head.
With the guys still sound asleep, I rummage through the fridge to find something to cook, wanting them to wake up to a nice breakfast. This time is different. At the Taylor's, I was forced to cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But here, I want to do it.
Once the bacon was sizzling in the frying pan and the eggs were whipped to perfection, I put my playlist on my phone on softly, not wanting to wake the guys just yet. A smile spreads across my lips as I stand here, the heat from the stove making me sweat.
Things couldn't be going any better right now, which makes me believe that finally, life is going my way for once.
As long as I can find my parents, everything should be fine.
Once breakfast is cooked and placed in the oven to stay warm, I refill my coffee and take it to the balcony, watchingand listening to the beautiful symphony of the rain as it soaks everything below.
I open the door and step onto the creaky wood, shivering as the heavy wind blows, enveloping me in its soothing embrace. I lean over the edge, watching the sun begin to peek over the horizon. It gets lighter, but not brighter. The clouds are hiding the beauty of it. But there's nothing more beautiful than the rain, not even the sun.
I take a deep breath and close my eyes, letting the sound of the rain wash over me. But they fling open when I feel an arm curl around my waist.
"Shh, don't be scared, pretty girl," Lux whispers into my ear, making me shiver against his body.
From up here, I watch Donovan run down the street below, slightly confused.
Lux continues to pepper kisses all over the side of my neck until he makes his way to the nape of it, a hard shiver wracking my body.
"Where is he going?" I ask breathlessly, leaning to the side to give him better access as I grip the wet railing until my knuckles turn white.
"Errands," he growls in my ear, flicking my lobe with his tongue. "It's just us for a little while."