Page 30 of Breaking Boston

The article revealed that they had indeed been in a car accident, but there were no details about their current whereabouts. It was a dead end, but at least it confirmed that they had existed.

A few more searches, and Facebook, of all places, brings me to their profiles. My heart swells with hope, and tears well up in my eyes—happy tears.

I've found them.

After clicking on mutual friends and looking at locations, I eventually find an address that yields some hope. Lighting acigarette, I lean back against the wet iron chair, a smile on my face that's never been bigger.

This is it. This is what I've been waiting for since I was eight. I found my parents, and now it's time to meet them... again.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my laptop and looked out at the rain. I had a long journey ahead of me, but at least now I had some direction. The thought of finally finding my parents gave me a renewed sense of determination. And with Lux and Donovan by my side, I knew I could face whatever came my way.


I knew Boston was up to something on the balcony. I just didn't know what.

When she slipped out to run and grab smokes, the first thing Donovan and I did was search her computer.

"Her fucking parents," Donovan sneers, guzzling the rest of his beer down in one sip.

"She's searching for them so she can go stay with them." My eyes focus on the screen until I find what Boston was searching for. "She found them." Shock consumes my voice, and it cracks as the words come out.

If she finds the address, that means she's leaving. She said it from the start.

"We can't let her go," I tell D, and he nods his head in agreement.

"Fuck no. She's not going anywhere. She has no idea who they really are, and if she goes, it's only going to break her some more."

Boston had no fucking idea who her parents were. They weren't the sweet, loving people who left her that journal. It was all an act to make her feel better. Donovan and I couldn't let her find out the truth. We knew it because of the Taylors, but Boston didn't know that. And we'd be dammed if we let her find out now.

She had been through enough already, and we couldn't bear to see her go through more pain.

But as we stood there, contemplating what to do, the answer came to both of us at the same time.

Donovan and I had the same mind, and I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"We have to. It's the only way to protect her from getting hurt, and it's the only way to keep her with us," Donovan sighed, heartbreak all over his face while anger washed over mine.

Boston's parents didn't deserve her. They had her once and fucked up big time. Why wouldn't we do something about it?

"She needs to go back to the warehouse tonight. I need to make sure she's safe while we're gone."

"And you don't think our apartment is the safest place?"

"Not when so many people know where we live. I'd rather her at the warehouse where she's with other people, even if she's locked in her room."

“She doesn't know that we're affiliated with Remy or the warehouse.”

I look at him and smirk. “She will tonight.”

I take out my phone to call Remy, hoping he can work some magic to get her there.

We needed to make sure Boston was safe while we were away, but even as I made the call, I had doubts about mydecision clouding my mind. The only place that was safe for Boston was with us.

I could only hope that tonight would go as planned, and that we'd be back with Boston by morning.