The thought startled him. It was way too soon to even think about the “l” word.

It’s just the heat of the moment. The quicker we get off this bloody mountain the better it’ll be for everyone.

A little niggle in the back of Sawyer’s brain told him that it was more than just a temporary romance brought on by close quarters.

Brent was sitting on the couch playing a video game with Zaid. The boy looked a lot better than he did earlier. Oliver had found a thermometer.

“Let me get your temperature, Buddy.”

Brent nodded and obediently opened his mouth. After it beeped, Sawyer looked at it and then cleaned it off with an alcohol wipe.

“What is it?” Audrey asked.

“He’s at a hundred. He’s cooler than he was this morning. I recommend more tea, acetaminophen, and Gatorade.”

“I’m hungry,” Brent said.

“That’s a good sign. Maybe you can stick with some soup and crackers for now. If you can keep that down, we’ll give you something else.”

Brent groaned and rolled his eyes and then nodded. “I want to be a doctor like you when I grow up.”

Sawyer started to respond but Jerome interrupted him. “Your father wanted to be a doctor, too, and look how that turned out. He’s dead.”

“That’s enough, Jerome. I’ve had it with your nasty attitude. You aren’t to talk to anyone unless you can be pleasant.” Audrey’s voice was low and firm.

Everyone in the room looked at Audrey shocked. Gwen’s jaw had dropped and she was wide-eyed.

Jerome glared at his wife and then stormed off into the bedroom they shared.

Audrey looked over at Brent and Gwen who were staring at her in disbelief.

“What?” she said.

“I’ve never heard you talk to anyone like that, especially not Dad.”

Audrey, who was clearly still angry, heaved a huge breath. “I guess it’s about time that I did.”

She left the room.

Everyone in the room was silent. Sawyer wanted to follow after Audrey and give her a gold medal. He suspected that she had put up with a lot of negativity, if not abuse, her entire life, and finally had enough.

“Um, Sawyer?” Brent asked timidly.

“Yeah, Buddy?”

“Would it be okay if I stayed in your room with you and the guys tonight? I don’t really want to be with them.”

Zaid spoke up. “We would love to have you as a roommate, as long as it’s okay with your mother.”

“I’m sure it will be,” Gwen said.

Brent and Zaid turned their attention back to their game while Gwen and Sawyer headed toward the library.

“You know, you are absolutely wonderful with him. Have you ever thought about having your own kids?”

“Absolutely, if I found the right woman.”

A brief thought crossed his mind. Gwen would be a great mother.