As they threw out hay bales to hungry cattle, he wondered just how much of their affection had been for show and how much had been genuine. Lane was certain that Taylor had feelings for him, but he didn’t know how deep they were.
Talk to her,his brain said.
After dinner, Lane headed to his office. He had six days of paperwork to catch up on and wasn’t looking forward to it.
He was almost finished for the night when he heard a loud piercing scream. Someone shouted “Fire.”
Lane rushed outside to see the horse barn engulfed in flames.
Chapter 16: Taylor
“Nice job with Diablo today,” Robert said.
“Thanks. He’s a great horse. He was just misunderstood.”
“Aren’t we all,” Sam said. “I’m exhausted. I’m heading in. Sweet dreams.”
“Good night,” Taylor said.
“Nighty-night,” Robert said.
Sam and Robert went into the bunkhouse. Taylor thought about going back inside to give Diablo more love but decided against it. She was tired.
Taylor was almost home when she heard a loud whoosh and crackle echo in the air. She turned around to see that the horse barn was on fire.
Her heart pounded as she ran as fast as she could to the barn.
“Taylor, no,” Sam screamed as she threw open the doors and ran inside.
Coughing, she could barely see through the smoke. Her lungs hurt as she made her way down the stalls.
The horses, screaming with fright, almost knocked her down as they bolted out of the barn. Diablo’s stall was at the back.
She threw open his stall door and grabbed his halter. He was terrified and Taylor could only see the whites of his eyes. He reared up and neighed loudly as she tugged on the halter.
“Come on, Baby. We have to get you out of here. Come on.”
Diablo finally followed behind her, jerking on the halter. Her eyes burned and her lungs felt as though they were going to explode. She could feel the heat crawling toward them.
“Come on, Baby,” she said as she pulled Diablo toward the door.
Flames licked the barn walls and the hay had burst into flames. Diablo jerked hard. He didn’t want to pass by the fire that inched up the wall near the door.
Diablo snorted and then bolted out the door, jerking the halter out of her hand. She fell just as a fiery board fell on her, knocking her out.
A day later, Taylor slowly opened her eyes and looked around. “Hello there, Sleeping Beauty,” Lane said softly, smiling at her.
“Where am I?” she asked.
“You’re in the hospital,” Lane said, pressing the nurse call button.
She was lying on her stomach and was uncomfortable. She tried to turn over, but Lane touched her arm and said, “Don’t move.”
A woman in Scooby-Doo scrubs bustled into the room. She smiled widely when she said, “You’re awake. I’m Kelly and I’m your nurse right now. I’ll be back in a second. I need to call the doctor.”
“What happened?” Taylor asked.