After breakfast, Lane handed out assignments. Taylor was happy that she got range duty this time, although she had to do it alone. Sam and Robert were going to be helping to rebuild thebarn. Several others in the vicinity were coming over to lend a hand.
“I’m going to be busy today trying to feed everyone,” Franny said. “But with all neighbors coming over to help without asking for anything in return, it’s the least I can do.”
Lane distractedly hugged Taylor as she walked out the door to load the truck.
He’s got a lot on his mind,Taylor told herself.He has people coming to rebuild the barn and a lot of other work to take care of. Just because he didn’t fawn all over you doesn’t mean his feelings have changed.
Even though she tried to comfort herself, a part of her wondered if he was feeling the fallout from their deception and had decided to distance himself from her.
Taylor got the first couple of pastures fed and came back in for lunch. Everyone was sitting outside at different picnic tables since there wasn’t enough room at the dining table.
Lane joked around with everyone and didn’t even look her way. She grabbed her food and sat with Franny and Della.
“I don’t know how you did it. This is absolutely delicious,” Taylor said. “I bet the pies are homemade, too.”
“They are, but I’ll tell you a secret. I made them a month ago and froze them.”
“She has all kinds of frozen goodies that she whips out for special occasions,” Della said.
“Now, don’t go giving away all my secrets,” Franny scolded.
Taylor finished her food and took her dishes into the kitchen. Lane still didn’t look her way.
He’s busy with company. Don’t overthink things,she told herself.Of course, he could at least look at me and smile, just to let me know that I’m still important to him.
A cloud of depression settled around Taylor.
“No. Not going to do this to myself,” she said.
She wiped the single tear that dripped from her eye and headed back out to the last pasture she needed to feed. Taylor noticed the same area of fence that the bull had busted down and fixed it, acknowledging that she was just trying to find a way to keep herself busy, so she didn’t have to go back and face Lane and the others.
Everyone had gone when she got back. It was about time for dinner, so she went into the house to wash up.
Lane and Rachel were standing in the middle of the living room.
“I knew that the engagement was fake. There is no way that you would marry someone like her. You know that we were meant to be together,” she said.
Rachel pulled him close to her and pressed her lips to his. He was still for a second and then put his hands on her shoulder. Taylor left, her heart shattering into a million pieces. She didn’t need to see any more.
Taylor went back to the cabin. Her appetite was gone. With tears streaming uncontrollably down her face, she called Michelle.
“Lane has been distant since he got back. I thought it was because he was distracted and busy, but I saw them together,” Taylor said. “She kissed him in the middle of the living room, and he started to put his arms around her.”
“You really think that he would get involved with someone like her?”
“I didn’t think so, but what do I know. I guess I just saw a big, hot man who was nice to me and paid some attention to me. I fell in love, knowing that I needed to put myself in check.”
“I’m so sorry,” Melissa said. “What are you going to do?”
“I don’t know. The utilities aren’t on at the ranch yet. I was going to do that next week. I can stay there, though. I’ll pay to have Diablo delivered as soon as possible, and just start over.”
“Stay with me until you get everything taken care of. We’ll hang out and make a plan,” Melissa said.
“Yeah, I guess so,” Taylor said. “I’ll be there tonight.”
Taylor thought about just leaving but decided to leave a note.