“You boys take care and don’t do anything stupid,” the sheriff said walking back to his truck.

“I would really like to go hunt him down,” Robert said.

“No. I don’t want you doing something you would regret,” Lane said. “Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord. Even if the sheriff doesn’t get him for this, Anthony will have to answer to God.”

“True enough,” Robert said. “Still, it would be satisfying to get in a couple of licks.”

“Nope,” Lane said. “Let’s just focus your energy on rebuilding the barn.”

“You never let a guy have any fun.”

“Nope,” Lane said.

Lane and Colton went into town and had drinks with Ryder, Gunner, and Sawyer atThe Bullhorn.

“Word’s gotten out, Big Brother,” Ryder said. “Anthony has been telling everyone in town that you and Taylor faked your engagement to pull off some kind of scam.”

“What kind of scam?” Lane asked.

“It varies from story to story. One story is that you had to be married to get an inheritance, one is that it had to do with something about getting her old ranch illegally,” Ryder replied.

“You could just call BS on the whole thing and say that Anthony is just spreading rumors to get back at you. Everyone knows that he’s the one who burned down your barn because you fired him. Everyone knows that you and Taylor are an item. It’s not much of a stretch to make him look like a liar,” Gunner said.

“Nah, it would only add fuel to the fire. Besides, I’m done lying. It’s better just to keep my mouth shut and let the whole thing blow over. The situation isn’t that interesting. Someone will get caught sleeping with someone’s wife and everyone will be all excited over that little tidbit of news,” Lane said.

“True enough,” Sawyer said. “It was a stupid thing to do. I get why you did it, but it was still stupid.”

“I know,” Lane said. “I never thought it would get out of hand.”

“These things usually do,” Colton said.

“I don’t care what people are saying and I’m pretty sure that there isn’t anyone in town who’s got the gonads to say anything to my face. However, I am worried about Taylor. She’s not protected by name or money.”

“She’s tough and she has a thick skin. Plus, I’m pretty sure that when people see you two together, they will assume that Anthony is just running his mouth,” Ryder said.

“Are you leaving in the morning for that meeting in Denver about the water rights bill?” Ryder asked.

“Yea. I was going to make Colton go, but he beat me two out of three times at rock, paper, scissors.”

“You’re a better speaker, anyway, and the water rights issue is a big deal, especially in areas where we don’t get as much rain,” Colton said.

Taylor was loving on Diablo the next morning when Lane loaded up his truck. He slowly walked over to her, careful not to spook the horse.

“I know that all of this is upsetting for you,” he said. “Just remember that I do care about you and our feelings are real. Everything will work out.”

She nodded but didn’t say anything.

“I hate that I have to leave right now.”

“It’s all good. You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do” Taylor said.

He pulled her into a tight hug, holding her close to him for a while. Then, he brushed a kiss across her lips and headed for the Mile High City. Lane realized that he would miss her.

The meeting went on and on, with several sides arguing about water rights. The environmentalists were worried about the depleting aquifers and how much water farms and ranchers used. City advocates were worried that they wouldn’t have enough to supply the rapidly growing number of people migrating to Colorado Springs, Denver, and other big cities. Ranchers and farmers reminded everyone else that if they didn’t have water, there wouldn’t be food for anyone.

Lane was exhausted by the time he got back to the hotel. He had just got out of the shower and was eyeing the bed when his phone rang.

“Mom,” Lane said.