“It does,” Taylor agreed.

“I suppose we should get our day started,” he said.

After breakfast, Willow tapped Taylor on the arm. “I didn’t bring enough clothes for a longer stay and I will need something appropriate for his funeral. While Grandpa would think it’s great, others might be shocked if we wore our ball gowns to the church and cemetery.”

“It might be a little scandalous, although somehow, I don’t think you’d care. I can see the headline now, ‘Wealthy socialite wears ballgown to grandfather’s funeral.”

“Probably not, but I don’t want to be responsible for giving Mom a heart attack,” Willow said. “Don’t worry about paying for anything. I already told you that I have enough money for two lifetimes.”

“It doesn’t feel right,” Taylor said.

“You’re family.” Willow lowered her voice and said, “Even if the engagement isn’t real, I love you like a sister.”

While they were shopping, Willow talked about her grandfather. “He was an amazing man. He once sat down and binge-watched old episodes ofI Carly,andSabrina, The Teenage Witchwith me.”

“That sounds awesome.”

“It was. He had a very kind heart even though he tried hard to pretend he didn’t. One of his favorite charities was animal shelters. He did everything he possibly could to make sure that the shelters had everything they needed and even hosted adoption events. We are asking people to donate to the shelters instead of flowers.”

“I only got to talk to him a couple of times, but he seemed sweet. I wish I could have gotten to know him more.”

“Me, too.”

To be honest, I like all of his family members, even if his mom can be overwhelming sometimes. I wish the engagement were real.

Taylor shook her head to get rid of the thought.

Don’t even go there. It will just end up with you having a broken heart.

Chapter 15: Lane

“Do we need to make any arrangements?” Lane asked Caroline.

“No. He knew that his time was coming, probably sooner rather than later, so he had everything arranged. The only thing we had to do was to fill in the blank with the right date,” she said. “I called the funeral home, and everything is set up for tomorrow. They’ve released the obituary already.”

He was glad when everyone left for the night, and he could lay down with Taylor. Lane didn’t care that sex was off-limits. He simply enjoyed being near her and holding her. Waking up next to her, feeling her body pressed to him, was pure heaven.

The noise level in the house told him that most of his family was already up and moving. Lane checked his watch and groaned. “It’s already eight. I can’t believe we slept in so late.”

“Peopling can exhaust a person,” Taylor said. “That’s why I avoid it at all costs.”

“Good choice. Unfortunately, we need to people now.”

“I know.”

They reluctantly pulled apart. Taylor hurried into the bathroom and got dressed for the funeral which would start in two hours. Lane was already dressed when she got out. He went in to use the toilet and brush his hair.

Taylor grinned at him. “I kind of like your hair messy. It’s sexy. Besides, that’s how I’m used to seeing it.”

“Would you like it better if I put on a baseball cap?”

“Yes. Then I could play with your curls that sneak out from under your hat,” Taylor said.

“I guess you’re just going to have to wait until we get back home for that.”

Lane wasn’t surprised that the church was filled to capacity. The family took up the first three rows of pews and the rest were crammed with friends and colleagues.

“I’m pretty sure that everyone in New York is here,” Lane whispered to Taylor.