Finally, dinner was over and the plates were cleared. The DJ took his place and thanked everyone for coming and gaveaccolades to Caroline and Gene Johnson for arranging such a magnificent party. Everyone clapped.

Then, the DJ played the first song and everyone stepped onto the dance floor.

She loved feeling his arm around her waist as they danced around the floor. Their bodies moved together in a slow rhythm. Taylor looked up into Lane’s eyes. Butterflies exploded in her stomach.

I’m falling in love with him.

Chapter 13: Lane

Oh, no,Lane thought.She’s not really going to start detailing wedding plans here and now.

“An outdoor wedding would be perfect if it was late spring or early fall. It wouldn’t be too hot or too cold. We could set up tents and more people could be invited. I just know that everyone is going to want to see Lane finally tie the knot,” Caroline said excitedly.

Rubbing his forehead and wincing, he thought,Oh, but she is. Every tiny detail that anyone could ever think of.

“We’ll have to think of the perfect theme for the wedding,” Caroline said.

“We could do a ranching theme, and everyone can wear overalls,” Taylor whispered to Lane.

He nearly coughed as he took a drink.

Caroline didn’t seem to notice. “Fairies and fairyland is a great theme. So is an underwater theme. I know, a midnight sky, even in the middle of the day would be perfect.”

Lane looked at Taylor’s face. She had plastered a smile on her face. Every once in a while, she blinked, nodded, or would say “Uh-huh.” Lane knew that she was starting to get overwhelmed by every single detail that his mother came up with. Even if their engagement were real and they were goingto get married, Taylor wouldn’t want it to be an elaborate affair with a lot of people. She would probably just want something that included close friends and family only.

Because I have seven brothers and a sister, that meant that there would already be a lot of people present,Lane thought, shaking his head.

His mother was talking about whether a tiara or wreath would be better and what kind of veil would be appropriate.

Did she even take a breath?Lane asked himself.

He shot his father a grateful look when Gene suggested that Caroline eat before dinner was over. Lane knew that his mother would never talk with her mouth full, so she would stop talking about it for a little bit.

Lane was relieved when the DJ took his spot and started making announcements. His mother would be too busy socializing with guests to follow Taylor around making more plans.

The first dance was announced, and Lane swept Taylor onto the dance floor.

“Whew,” Taylor said. “It was all I could do to not put in my two cents. If this had been the real thing and not a charade, I would have. Then, your mother would have fainted dead away on the floor, and you would have been disowned. You think that I was kidding about having everyone show up in bib overalls, work boots, and baseball caps, which is what real ranchers and farmers wear these days.”

Lane laughed. “She would have found a way to make it work. Your overalls would have been diamond studded and your work boots would have been gold.”

Taylor groaned. “If this were real, we would just go to the courthouse and get married by a magistrate. Short, simple, and to the point. You could send her a text message when it’s over.”

“She’d murder us both.”

They lapsed into silence as Lane guided Taylor around the dance floor. Their bodies moved in perfect rhythm with each other. He felt a flame of desire build up inside of him and he wondered what it would be like if they made love.

He was amazed when Taylor was able to dance a jig with him and then turn around and waltzed.

“For a ranch girl, you have some moves,” Lane said.

“I love the movement to it. There is poetry in dancing. I took lessons and learned a little about a lot of different types of dances. I never got around to tap dancing, clogging, or ballet though.”

“I would love to see you start clogging right here in the middle of everyone,” Lane said.

“You know I can never pass up a challenge, so if I would, I could,” Taylor replied. “But now, I need to use the little girl’s room.”

She headed off to the restroom and Lane made his way to the cash bar and ordered a whiskey.