“I’m surprised that the seats don’t massage the passengers and there isn’t a foot spa in this thing,” Taylor said.
“I’m going to suggest that to Mom,” Willow said.
Colton and Micah groaned at the same time.
The car pulled up in front of the house. Lane figured that his mom would greet them formally in the parlor like she usually did when she wanted to make a statement. Instead, the woman flew out of the house.
She grabbed Lane and pulled him into a tight hug. She did the same with Willow and Colton. Then, she put both hands on Taylor’s arms and smiled at her.
“My name is Caroline. I’m so excited to finally meet the woman who has captured my son’s heart. Welcome to the family, Honey.”
Taylor’s eyes widened as Caroline forcefully pulled Taylor into a tight hug, rocking her back and forth.
“Come on out back. James and David will put your bags in your rooms,” she said.
The death grip was back. Lane leaned down and whispered into Taylor’s ears, “Fingers.”
A faint smile crossed her lips and she loosened her grasp a little bit. Her eyes widened when she saw the number of people milling around in the backyard.
“Is everyone in New York here?” she asked quietly.
“Nope. Our brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, colleagues, and neighbors,” Lane said.
“Practically everyone in New York,” Willow laughed. “At least those with money.”
“Hush your mouth,” Caroline said. “You’ll be nice.”
“Aren’t I always?” Willow asked.
Colton, Lane, and Caroline all looked at Willow and raised their eyebrows. She smirked and shrugged.
Everyone rushed up to greet them and to meet Taylor. Most of the people had known Catherine and how much Lane loved her. They were excited to meet the person who was able to help Lane get over his grief.
Lane’s father stopped grilling hamburgers long enough to shake Taylor’s hand.
“I’m glad to finally meet you,” he said. “I’m Gene.”
“Pleased to meet you,” Taylor said softly.
“That’s my brother, Larry, who’s in charge of the hotdogs.”
They all grabbed plates, piled them with food, and sat down at one of the picnic tables. Lane watched Taylor eat, glad that her nervousness hadn’t affected her appetite.
Several people crowded around them as soon as they dumped their plates in the trash.
“At least they let us finish eating in peace,” Willow whispered. “I’m pretty sure that they were watching us like hawks, though, so they knew when we took our last bite.”
Lane and Colton laughed. Taylor just looked around with wide eyes.
“It’s because Lane never comes to New York unless he absolutely has to,” Caroline said. “Everyone is anxious to catch up.”
“Everyone is nosy and wants to know about Taylor,” Willow said dryly.
Caroline glanced at her daughter, who smiled back innocently.
Lane found himself in the center of a group. Taylor let go of his hand and walked away toward the flower gardens wherethere were no people. He watched her smell the roses and look at all the shrubs.
Gradually, people drifted away, leaving Lane standing next to his mom and Colton.